Page 2 - Hani Times August 2019
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2 2 News August 1, 2019 Vol. 5 Hani Times
『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』
Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)
said, “When a human takes earthly branches to nurture. water, fire, and wind must nails are from earth; nasal
qi inside the womb, yin- This implies how the virtue be combined. Sinew and discharge, essence, blood,
yang is determined on the of heaven and earth must bone both belong to earth, fluid and humor are from
ninth day, forms a shape of be united together to bear the essence-blood, fluid, water; warmth, dryness, and
a fetus after ninety-four a child; hence the saying, and humor all belong to heat are from fire; mental
days, and changes every ‘The spirit is spread out and water, breath and warmth and physical movements are
seven days. Therefore, a qi becomes abundant on the belong to fire, mental and from wind. These four kinds
baby who completed itself ninth month to complete the physical movements belong are combined temporarily to
in 296 to 306 days is of the growth of a fetus.’ and ‘The to wind. Therefore, when the give birth to a human being.
highest level, a baby who womb bears the fully grown wind dies down, the qi dies; The bones are as strong as
completed in 286 to 266 days fetus by the tenth month.’” when the fire goes out, the metal if the earth is powerful;
is of the middle level, and a body becomes cold; when the essence is solid when
baby who completed in 256 3. The Four Greats - Earth, the water is dried out, the the water is powerful; the
to 246 days is of the lowest Water, Fire, and Wind - Form blood goes dry; when the qi rises up thickly when
△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal level. Generally, Gap must be Shape 四大成形 사대가 형을 earth scatters, the body is the fire is exuberant, and
Bodily Elements(동의보감-내
경편』 Cover Page. united with Gi in the heavenly 이루다 chapped.” wisdom is as mighty as the
stems to be fertile, and Chuk ① Buddha commented, “For ② Shang Yang zi (上陽子) spirit when the wind is
must be united with Ja in the a man to be born, earth, said, “Hair, teeth, bone, powerful.”
Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
1539~1615), Translated by
Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
9월 특강
et al., Published by Ministry
of Health & Welfare (Korea)
2. The Start of Conception
胎孕之始 잉태의 시작
① It is said in the Great 임상에서 보험 빌링까지 ‘한 번에 해결하기! (CEU30)
Peace and Sagely Benevolence -보험 빌링/ 동씨침/ 사암침/사상의학/ 본초의 이해-
Formulas (聖惠方), “The
essence-qi of the universe
forms the shape of all living 강의 제목 강의 날짜 강사
things, in which the paternal
essence-qi composes the 더 쉽고 빠르고 간편하게!
ethereal soul and maternal 8월 31일(토) 이영은 한의사
essence-qi composes the ‘실전 보험빌링’(CEU6) 오후 2~8시 (Meta Acupuncture)
corporeal soul. The fetus is
like milk in its first month 새롭게 업그레이드 된 9월 7일(토) 윤동원 원장
as it becomes a seed and ‘사암침’ 의 원리와 활용법(CEU6) 오후 2~8시 (가야 한의원)
looks like a plum in its
second month, and forms
the shape of a human in its 새롭게 업그레이드 된 9월 14일(토) 윤동원 원장
third month. Its gender can ‘사상의학’ 오후 2~8시 (가야 한의원)
의 원리와 활용법(CEU6)
be specified in its fourth
month; the sinew and bones
are formed in its fifth month; 한의대에서는 배우지 못한 9월 21일(토) 김경규 한의학 박사
hair is grown in its sixth 본초의 원리와 이해’ (CEU6) 오후 2~8시 (D.A.O.M., L.Ac.)
month. The right hand can
be moved by controlling the 동씨침법의 원리 이해와 9월 28일(토) 오세준 원장
ethereal soul in its seventh 오후 2~8시 (밝은 한의원)
month, and the left hand can 임상 활용법(CEU6)
be moved by controlling the
corporeal soul in its eighth *이번 아카데미는 오프라인 강의와 함께 웨비나로도 진행
month. The fetus turns its (웨비나: 인터넷 생중계 방송. 오프라인과 동일하게 인정됨.)
body three times in its ninth
month, completes itself in *강의장소: 동국대 LA 3층 강의실
the tenth month, and comes *교육비 안내: 1CEU당 $10 1강좌당 $60 (440 Shatto Pl. Los Angeles, CA 90020)
out from the mother's womb. (저녁식사, 간식, 교재비 모두 포함. *체크 보내실 주소: 3251 W. 6Th St. Ste. 348,
Among the babies, those who 연회원은 혜택에 따라 30~50% 할인) LA, CA 90020(Pay to Order: Hani Times, Inc.)
fulfilled the ten months, live *예약 및 문의: Tel. 323-804-5703 *신청 방법: 영문 이름과 주소, 면허번호,
rich and long; those who have e-메일 주소, 전화번호 등을 기재하셔서
not fulfilled the ten months, *e-메일. 체크와 함께 위 주소로 보내주세요.
live poor and die young.”
신청서 작성하실 때엔 오프라인 강좌인지, 웨비나(온라인 생중계)인지 표시해 주십시오.
② Shangyangzi (上陽子)