Page 10 - Acupuncture Times Dec. 2020
P. 10
10 Traditional Korean Medicine Dec 1, 2020 Vol. 21 Hani Times
『『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)
Sayings of the Early Sages 先賢格言 선현의 격언
lights like jade."
④ In the Writings on Nurturing
③ In the Inscription on Life (養生文) by Chang Zhenzi,
Nurturing Life (養生銘) by Son it is said: "Too much alcohol
the wise man, it is said: "Too scatters blood qi, and eating
much anger hurts qi; too much lightly flavored foods puts
thinking hurts spirit. When the the spirit and ethereal soul
spirit gets tired, the heart is in a comfortable state. It is
also likely to get tired; when better to clean the teeth at
qi gets weak, diseases occur. night than in the morning; it
Do not grieve or enjoy too is better to eat in the morning
much, and eat various foods than at night. One must tonify
evenly. Do not get drunk at the kidneys if the ears ring,
night; do not get angry in and tonify the liver if the
the early morning. Play the eyes are blurry. Restraining
heavenly drum when going from drink naturally leads the
to bed at hae time (9:00 pm spleen to become healthy, and
~ 11:00 pm), clean the teeth less thinking always comforts
△ According to Dongui Bogam, the best way to be healthier is to be balanced; Eat but do not with saliva waking up at in time the spirit. Wind should not be
eat full. Drink, but do not be drunken. imageⓒDollarphotoclub_Marek
(5:00 am ~ 7:00 am) to prevent faced when sweating and tea
pathogenic qi and let essence should not be taken too much
essence-qi, and salty taste sleeping alone. Do not sit or lie qi spread over the body. One on an empty stomach."
Written By Jun Heo(許浚,
hastens death. Therefore, down at a windy place. Take must always restrain from the
1539~1615), Translated by
one must not purposely take a warm bath often. Walk 100 five spicy foods (refers to spring ⑤ In the Discipline of Self-
Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha
one taste. One must not let steps after eating fully and onion, garlic, chives, scallion, examination (省言箴) of
et al., Published by Ministry
go much during spring and rub the abdomen often with and ginger), if one does not Dongyuan, it says: "Qi is
of Health & Welfare (Korea)
summer and abstain from hands. Do not eat fish without want to get any disease. One the grandfather of spirit,
sexual intercourse during scales and meat of all kinds must always live happily and and essence is the son of qi;
It is said in Son the wise man's autumn and winter. Sleeping of animals. Eating the meat joyfully to put one's mind in therefore, qi is the origin of
Inscription on Nurturing Life alone protects genuine qi, and of an animal that has died a comfortable state. One must essence-spirit. How great it
(養生銘): All diseases do not calmly restraining oneself is naturally will hasten death. retain one's placid and pure is! Stack qi to gather essence,
occur if people work using the biggest treasure. Money There will be favors and luck nature to save one's own qi. and stack the essence to
their bodies, and if people and wealth have their places if one seeks luck by making One must not argue over the complete the spirit. Following
do not drink until drunk. among humans; therefore, figures with soil and wood. fate of a long life and young the Tao calmly with a pure
One must rub his abdomen one must know how to be How can the essence from death and keep training oneself. mind, one will be able to
with his hands and walk 100 satisfied. Effort on trying to the father and body from the The training is up to oneself. become the heavenly man.
steps after having meals. On know by force is the biggest mother be divided? A person If one keeps these methods, What kind of person am I?
In days and Chuk days, cut worry; eventually, there would who cares for one's life and the essence can be met even Here I am, earnestly reflecting
the fingernails and toenails, be no trouble if one lets go of body has the glow of six white in daily life." on myself."
and comb the hair 100 times. desire. Keeping the mind calm
Urinate while standing if full, and being comfortable all the
and urinate while sitting if time are the two things one Where you can pick your Acupuncture Times.
hungry. Do not walk around must always keep in mind (한의타임즈 배포처)
when it's windy and stay in when training the Tao. I am
a room with no holes. One writing this on the wall to let
must lie down with cleaned the wise men know." 한의타임즈 구독을 원하시는 분들은 ▲ Orange County
feet before going to sleep, and e-메일을 보내주십시오.
not eat until full. Too much ② It is said in the Records on If you would like to receive a newspaper, 아큐디포(Acudepot), 백산녹용건재(Baeksan
thinking harms the spirit; Sleeping (枕上記) by Son the please contact us at any time. (E. Trading Inc.), 자연한방(Jayeon Hanbang),
too many emotions damage wise man: "One must eat a [email protected]) 한의마트(Miracle Acupuncture), 삼희건재
qi greatly. Cut the nose hair bowl of porridge in the early (SND Herb by Sam Hee), 사우스베일로
often and do not spit on the morning, and not eat too much ▲Korea Town, Los Angeles (South Baylo University) Anaheim
ground. When one wakes up in for dinner. Click the upper and
the morning, step with the left lower teeth together 36 times ▲ Other Areas
AAAMA(아마), 한의사랑(Aculover), 가
foot first to prevent troubles, when Gyeongyangjong (景陽鐘,
주한의사협회(AKAMAC), 제일건재(Best
pathogenic qi, and evil spirits. a bell for announcing the start -가주 지역 및 CCAOM 소속 한의대 모두
Deer Antlers Trading Co.), 할빈건재
When one practices the Seven of dawn) sounds. One must (Emperor's College/ Five Branch University
(China Harbin Deer Antlers Trading
Star Walk (七星步, A type of avoid extreme heat or cold; San Jose/ Five Branch University Santa Cruze/
Co.), 동국대(Dongguk University) LA,
raining which was modeled one must not hover over sexual Nine Star University/ Pacific College/ Yo
한미건재(Hanmi Herbs), 재미한의사협회
after the Big Dipper), one lives desires or have intercourse San University/ Member Schools of CCAOM)
(KAAMA), KM 서플라이(Supplies), 사우
long and becomes happy. A after getting drunk or eating -NY/NJ: 운경한의원(Asian Holistic Center;
스베일로(South Baylo University LA),
sour taste hurts sinews, bitter too much as this will lead the 미주녹용(U. S. Deer Antlers Expo. & 3830 150ST. FLUSHING, NY 11354)
taste hurts bones, sweet taste five viscera turning inside out.
Impo. Co.) -VA: 버지니아 한의대(Virginia University of OM)
hurts flesh, hot taste hurts Moxibustion is not as good as