Page 10 - 한의타임즈 2020년 2월호
P. 10
10 Acupuncture Feb 1, 2021 Vol. 23 Hani Times
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (22)
Coordinating Eight Extraordinary Vessels Technique
(EEVT) will maximize your treatment effect
Medians' function tends to work The healthy Qi (正氣) is doing 6. Qi movement along with EEV
in detail and be passive and a significant function in EEV is up and down, oblique, and
specific; the EEV performs overall supplying for Extraordinary crossing the human body.
and general and active tasks in Organs. The healthy Qi (正 7. The distribution of each EEV
the human body. 氣) is concerned about growth, is varied. Some located vertically
9. The EEV is the primary agent secondary sexual characters, in the center of the body and the
of governing and being a mother generative function, the aging others located on right and left
of all Qi in the body. process. These are all concerned side of the body.
10. To be a pathway of ascending with the changing of human body 8. Only Governor Vessel and
Qi which formed from food shape. Healthy Qi (正氣) urges Conception Vessel have their own
digestion in the stomach. to change the body shape by Shu(兪) points.
△Once you are familiar with the Coordinating the Eight following the human life cycle. 9. Other EEV have shared
Extraordinary Vessels Technique, your treatment effect will ▲Extraordinary Organs(奇恒之腑) Shu(兪) points of regular Twelve
be maximized. imageⓒAdobeStock_manusapon.
Extraordinary Organs are a ▲ What are the characteristics Meridians.
collective term for the brain, of EEV?
normal Twelve Meridians' normal marrow, bones, blood vessels, 1. There are no solid relationships ▲ Benefits Using EEV
By Brandon SJ Oh L.Ac.
functions. gallbladder, and uterus. They are of Yin-Yang and Interior-Exterior 1. The speed of energy movement
2. To supply energy for Six called extraordinary because their for the EEV. in the EEV is three to five times
Eight Extraordinary Vessels Extraordinary Organs and morphological and physiological 2. Distributions of the Twelve faster than the energy movement
(EEV): Governing Vessel, enhance the functions of each properties are different from the Meridians are Left-Right speed in the Twelve Meridians so
Conception Vessel, Thrusting Six Extraordinary Organs such ordinary bowels and viscera. symmetry, but not all EEV is treatment effect will show faster
Vessel, Girdle Vessel, Yang Heel as Marrow, Brain, Bone, Uterus, Extraordinary Organs afford symmetrical. For example, EEV than using acupuncture points
Vessel, Yin Heel Vessel, Yang Vessels, and the Gall Bladder. a background for shaping the has no Left-Right symmetric located or belonged in the Twelve
Linking Vessel, and Yin Linking 3. To enhance the mechanism of human body. This is the same as distribution. Conception Vessel Meridians.
vessel are equally crucial as expelling pathogen(邪氣) in a human the properties of the earth, which (任脈), Governor Vessel (督脈), 2. The EEV is storage of
twelve meridians for acupuncture body and building healthy Qi (正氣). afford background for shaping all the Belt Vessel (帶脈) have only pathogen(邪氣) from the Twelve
treatment. But there is a limitation 4. To increase natural human creations. Extraordinary Organs' one vessel, but the Thoroughfare Meridian. Therefore, treatment on
for acupuncturists using EEV due frequency. physiological characteristics are Vessel (衝脈), Yin Heel Vessel (陰 the EEV should be treated prior to
to a lack of understanding of EEV. 5. To make a particular part of intermediation and regulation 蹻脈), Yang Heel Vessel (陽蹻脈), treating the Twelve Meridian.
I believe that currently, not many the circulation of the fluid and between Qi of Five Viscera & six Yin Link Vessel (陰維脈), Yang 3. The EEV supply more Nutrient
acupuncture schools lecture the humor(津液). Bowels and the shape of muscles Link Vessel (陽維脈) have bilateral Qi (營氣) and provide faster than
EEV than simply introducing it. 6. To help Triple Energizer (三 & skins in the human body. symmetry. the Twelve Meridians do.
This month, I will explain and 焦) function and affect the brain's The origin of EEV could be found 3. There is no direct relationship 4. If an acute symptom arises in
provide enough information emotional aspects and cognitive in HuangdiNeijing. The Uterus between the Viscera(臟) and one of the Twelve Meridian, the
about each EEV application for function. and Epiglottis Meridian's collateral Bowels(腑). It is not applicable the Cleft point(郄穴) should be used
acupuncture treatment. 7. To be an essential part of the Meridians are formulated theory of the Five Element, Six first. But any symptoms caused by
composition of the Meridian explicitly to supplying for the Meridian Diagnosis, Yin and Yang, an overflow of a pathogen from
▲What are the functions of Vessel (經脈) with the Twelve Uterus or Epiglottis. We can and Interior-Exterior. a meridian should be treated by
the EEV? Meridians(十二正經) and taking part draw The Association between 4. There is no fixed Qi movement using EEV.
1. To provide sufficient physical in maintaining the normal circulation Extraordinary Organs and EEV; order for the EEV. 5. Cases like #4 and if you feel
power for physical labor or high- of both Qi and Blood (氣血). EEV is specifically formulated to 5. There is no fixed time for like to expel extra pathogen, it is
intensity workout and maintain 8. Comparing the Twelve supply for Extraordinary Organs. activation of EEV. recommended to use EEV.
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