Page 6 - Acupuncture Times June 2021
P. 6

6        Acupuncture                                                                                   June 1, 2021  Vol. 27  Hani Times

                            Constitutional Acupuncture

             Lymphedema with Sasang Herbal Medicine

                                                              of establishing homeostasis.
                                                              Therefore, working with the
                                                              body must be in accordance
                                                              with its genetic propensity.
                                                              A one-size-fits-all does not
                                                              exist. However, a three-size-
                                                              fits-all approach with Lesser
                                                              Yin, Lesser Yang, and Greater
                                                              Yin constitutions is a practical
                                                              method to successfully treat
                                                              lymphedema.                 to Need Theory. Lastly, Myers-  according to India’s Ayurveda,
                                                              These three Sasang herbal   Briggs psychological types are  Choleric according to Greco-
        △image© shutterstock_Sakurra                          formulas work well. Historically,   ENFJ, INFJ, ENTJ, INTJ, ESFJ,  Roman Unani, and Power
                                                              the challenge was identifying the   ISFJ, ESTJ, and ISTJ.   according to Need Theory. Lastly,
                                   Asian herbal medicine  correct constitutional diagnosis.                          Myers-Briggs psychological
        By David Lee L.Ac.
                                   successfully treats lymphedema.  The good news is that we now   A Lesser Yang Soyangin  types are ESTP and ISTP.
                                   It can reverse a significant  have physical, physiological, and   constitution is a hot body type.
        Edema is an accumulation of  portion of the cause. A long-term  psychological tools to determine   Physically, the toro has an  Usually, the improvement is
        excessive amount of fluid in an  reduction or even elimination  the constitutions.  up-side down triangle shape.  noticeable on a monthly timeline.
        area of the body. Fluid builds  of the swelling can be achieved.  There are two Lesser Yin   Physiologically, they are not  There is a stable reduction
        up in the lower legs due to  Cells of the lymphatic vessels  Soeumin constitutions. They   sensitive to caffeine. Some  of swelling due to the fluid
        venous insufficiency. The build-  become healthier, making the  are cold body types. Physically,   are prone to motion sickness,  accumulation under the skin. It
        up can occur in the arm and  vascular structure and valves  their toros have hourglass and   which means they cannot read  can take between 2 months to 6
        torso after a radiation therapy   stronger.           triangle shapes. Physiologically,   a book in a moving vehicle.  months to achieve the maximum
        for breast cancer treatment,   The treatment is differentiated  they tend to be overly sensitive   If they can do not get motion  benefit.
        which damages the lymphatic   by the constitutions. It is  to caffeine, which can easily   sick easily, then a psychological  Sasang constitutional herbal
        tissue. Physical medicine is only   because the body must be  keep them up at night if taken   profile needs to distinguish  medicine supports the body to
        palliative. Compression sleeves,   involved in the healing process.  after 4 pm. Psychologically, they   from a Greater Yin Taeeumin  self-heal the lymphedema while
        lymphatic drainage massage,  Problem-focused is limited. But  are diagnosed as Vata and Kapha   constitution. Psychologically,  improving the overall health.
        and exercise help to control the  a human-focused treatment  according to India’s Ayurveda,   they are diagnosed as Pitta  With this holistic medicine,
        excessive fluid accumulation but   allows the self-healing to take  Phlegmatic and Melancholic   according to India’s Ayurveda,  integration of the complex
        do not reverse the lymphatic  place. Generally, human bodies  according to Greco-Roman   Sanguine according to Greco-  physiological events favors the
        compromise.                have three different ways  Unani, and Affiliation according   Roman Unani, and Achievement  organs, glands, nerves, and
                                                                                          according to Need Theory. Lastly,  circulatory system to function
                                                                                          Myers-Briggs psychological  normally. It is anti-aging
                                                                                          types are ENFP, INFP, ENTP,  because of the optimization of
                                                                                          INTP, ESFP, and ISFP.      physiology. Both mind and body
                                                                                          A Greater Yin Taeeumin  are in good order. The disease
                                                                                          constitution is a dry body type.   is mitigated or even eliminated.
                                                                                          Physically, the toro is a diamond  The whole body’s involvement
                                                                                          shape. Physiologically, caffeine  in directly and indirectly treating
                                                                                          with dinner does not keep  the lymphedema makes the
                                                                                          them up at night. They are not  problem go away. As a bonus,
                                                                                          prone to motion sickness and  the patient’s quality of daily
                                                                                          can read a book in a moving  living is enhanced with increased
                                                                                          vehicle. Psychologically, they  well-being in focus, clarity, and
                                                                                          are diagnosed as Pitta-Kapha  energy.
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