Page 6 - Acupuncture Times Sep. 2021
P. 6
6 Acupuncture Sep 1, 2021 Vol. 30 Hani Times
Constitutional Acupuncture
Diagnosis of a Lesser Yang Warm Constitution 소양인의 특성
By David Lee, L.Ac.
resulting in a quick break daily schedule on my phone with sleeping deeply.
down foods. or organizer. Schedule 14.Caffeine generally does
2.I cannot eat slowly. In a requires selection of tasks, not affect my sleep. Many
group of 10 people, I am one which Warm type does not Warm types can sleep even
of the first three to finish a want to be limited on. after having regular coffee
meal. Warm types can easily 9.It is cumbersome to keep with dinner.
swallow food down. track of detailed information, 15.Even in cold weather, I
3.I am not picky with foods. and I am not detail oriented. cannot sleep with a blanket
I tend to try new dishes Being detailed requires a over my face; I feel confined.
△ image©DavidLee
and flavors. Warm types are Warm type to be consistently Warm types produce
interested in variety. on one task, which can get abundant heat, so they feel
A Lesser Yang Soyangin 4.I like mint flavored gum or easily boring. congested when the face is
constitution is born as a candy more than cinnamon. 1 0 . M y r o o m i s o f te n covered.
Warm body type. In its Although this is subtle, disorganized, but I can easily 16.My hands and feet are
lifetime, it never changes into some Warm types naturally find what I need. I have usually warm. When they get
a Cool type. Although it is gravitate toward cooling ADHD (Attention Deficit cold, they quickly warm back
present in about 25% to 30% mint instead of warming Hyperactive Disorder) or up. Warm types have higher
of population, diagnosing cinnamon. a mild form of it. Warm metabolism so the body can
it has been a challenge 5.Generally, I find myself types do not easily get quickly regenerate heat.
because there were not ways rushing to accomplish tasks flustered with the cluttered 17.Drinking ice water does
of identifying this type. There is no one information at the last moment, instead of surrounding. not cause cramps or bloating.
Now, it is easier with more that is 100% accurate to in step-by-step increments. 11.I am usually the first I can drink it all day.
descriptive characteristics. making a diagnosis. Cold Warm types do not decide person to try something In addition to the above
type Lesser Yins can have until the last moment new, rather than relying on characteristics, you can
Warm type Lesser Yang because many things are of someone else to be a guinea find more descriptions by
characteristics, too. But interest to them. Hence, they pig. Warm types are less looking up “Influencing”
more data contributes to the rush to get things done at cautious. according to Social Styles,
big picture. The following the last moment. 12.I am diagnosed with “Sanguine” according to
are some psychological and 6.It is a challenge to keep a attention deficit disorder Greco-Roman Unani, “Pitta-
physiological characteristics regular diary. Deeply in touch and/or attention deficit Vata” according to Indian
that can help you to identify with the self on a constant hyperactive disorder. Some Ayurveda, “Achievement”
the Lesser Yang body type. basis is not as important for Warm types have an inability according to Need Theory,
1.I find myself almost never Warm types. to stay on task, sit still, and and “INFP, INTP, ENFP,
A Lesser Yang has big skipping meals. If I skip 7.My normal handwriting is be organized. Furthermore, ENTP, ISFP, and ESFP”
Earth (Spleen and Stomach) a meal, then I get easily a hardly legible calligraphy. they have a compulsion to according to Myers-Briggs
and small Water (Kidney agitated and irritated. The Warm types tend to write touch things. Type Indicator. Not only
and Urinary Bladder). sensation of hunger is with haste. There may be 13.I can sleep anywhere Korea, but the world had
Acupuncture, foods, and quicker in Warm subtypes. messy cross-outs and erase and sleep deeply. Warm contributed to the knowledge
Asian herbal medicine reduce The reason may be that the marks. types are not particular with of Warm type Lesser Yangs
this imbalance. digestive system is efficient, 8.I prefer to live without a surroundings and blessed since the ancient times.
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NJ/NY 지역(Safety/Ethics포함 PDA제공)
-일자 : 2021년 10월 17일(일) 9:00-6:00
-장소 : Double Tree Hotel by Hilton GWB(Fort Lee, NJ 07024)
OC/LA 지역(CEU제공)
-일자 : 2021년 12월 4일(일) 9:00-6:00
-장소 : Howard Johnson Hotel (Fullerton, CA 92832)
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