Page 7 - Acupuncture Times Oct. 2021
P. 7

        Oct 1, 2021  Vol. 31  Hani Times                                                                            Acupuncture

           Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (29) How to Use the 4 Main Energy Resources (continued)

        The Upper and Lower Main Energy Sources

                                    Cannot Be Used Together

                          As the 4 Main Energy Sources, the Root Qi Place must be used

                                          various symptoms found in the  Energy Source can act as a  or Lower Main Energy Source
              By Brandon SJ Oh L.Ac.      lower  body,  such  as  lower  back  tranquilizer.                  is applied for a treatment, the

                                          pain.                             It would help if you kept a few  Root Qi Place, also known as
                                                                            things in mind for using the  the eight 'Liao' points, must be
        ▲  Benefits  using  the  eight                                      upper and lower Main Energy  used. The acupuncture needle
        'Liao'  Points  and  roles  of  the                                 Source. You cannot use the  insertion  technique  must  be
        points                                                              Upper and  Lower  Main  Energy  penetrated deep enough to pass
                                                                            Source together because using  either the underneath of the
                                                                            Main Energy Source generates  scapula or the iliac bones. It
                                                                            enormous Qi movement that  should be careful not to hurt
                                                                            could damage the whole system.  vital orang as a practitioner
                                                                            The last is whenever the Upper  inserting needles.

                                          △  The  eight  'Liao'  points  and  the
                                          Root  Qi  Place.  The  Root  Qi  Place   ▲ Technique to Use the Upper Main Energy Source
                                          works as a pivot point; therefore, it
                                          could  be  applied  with  Upper  and
                                          lower body 4 Main Energy Sources.                                                       ⑥천경태극혈
                                                                                                              ⑥천경태극혈              Heaven Taiji
                                                                                                              Heaven Taiji Points
        △  Strong  Qi  circulation  throughout   As the eight 'Liao' points               ▶   ▶
        the  body  could  be  expected  by                                                 ▶  ▶               ⑤상기처         ▶   ▶   ⑤상기처
        stimulating eight 'Liao' points. image  are applied to treatment, it                                  Upper       ▶    ▶   Upper
        ⓒshutterstock_shutterstock_SciePro  i s   a l l o w e d   t o   u s e   o n l y   s i x               Energy Source        Energy Source
                                          points of 'Liao' points that are                                    ④곡지         ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶   ④곡지
        The eight 'Liao' points that  distinctively shown  instead  of                                         LI11       ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶   LI11
                                                                                                                           ▶    ▶
        also are called as the Root Qi  all eight 'Liao' points. But all six                                         ▶              ▶    ⑦심수
                                                                                                              ⑦심수          ▶    ▶
        Place and are  located on the  points should be penetrated by                                                                    UB15
        sacrum take role to balance and  acupuncture needles thoroughly  △ Needles are inserted deep enough                             ⑧격수
                                                                            to  pass  the  scapula  with  extreme   ⑧격수    ▶   ▶         UB17
        enhance all Qi movements. The  to expect maximum treatment                                            UB17         ▶    ▶
                                                                            causes not to hurt the lungs.                   ▶   ▶
        eight 'Liao' points take control  effects.                          imageⓒshutterstock_Lazuin
        of the Qi movement in the Root
        Qi Place. The eight 'Liao' points  ▲  Applying  4  Main  Energy                                       ⑨본원지처
                                                                                                              Root Qi Place        ⑨본원지처
        have the power to enhance Qi  Sources                                                                                      Root Qi Place
                                                                              Procedure  to  apply  the  Upper
        circulation by pulling down  A   f u n d a m e n t a l   f u n c t i o n   o f                                   ▶        ▶
                                                                              Main Energy Source               ①양릉천                   ①양릉천
        the stagnated heat from top to  the 4 Main Energy Sources is                                           GB34                   GB34
        bottom and pushing stagnated  moderating all Qi movements
        coldness from the feet to the  throughout the body. So              Energy Source(상기처)→               ②곤륜         ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶    ②곤륜
        head. Also, the parasympathetic  s y m p t o m s   g e n e r a t e d   b y   a n   ⑥Heaven  Taiji  Points(천경태극혈)→⑦  UB60        UB60
                                                                            UB15(심수)  or  ⑧UB17(격수)→⑨Root
        nerves are densely located on  imbalance or Qi stagnation such                                                     ③부류
                                                                            Qi Place (본원지처)
        the sacrum area. Therefore,  as various aftereffects of the                                                        K7
        stimulating the eight 'Liao'  stroke and paralysis.
        points helps a patient feel more  Qi stagnation in the scapula area  ▲ Technique to Apply the Lower Main Energy Source
        comfortable and help fall asleep  usually causes symptoms like
        at night.                         shoulder  pain,  hypertension,                                       ⑥천경태극혈             ⑥천경태극혈
                                                                                                               Heaven             Heaven
        The eight 'Liao' point could  s t r o k e ,  a n d   c e r e b ra l   b l o o d                       Taiji Points  ▶  ▶  Taiji Points
        be applied for urologic and  circulation-related diseases. In                                                      ▶     ▶
        gynecologic  symptoms  such  as  general, the elders or people                                         ④곡지                      ④곡지
        erectile dysfunction, prostate  exposed to an unusual amount                                           LI11                     LI11
                                                                                             ▶  ▶
        enlargement, bladder infection,  of stress for a prolonged period                ▶    ▶
        piles, discharge, irregular  cause the center of Qi to  move                                                      ⑤하기처
                                                                                                                    ▶                ▶
                                                                                                                          Lower Main
        menstruation, menstrual pain,  to  the  upper  body.  Pathogenic
                                                                                                                          Energy Source
        lower back pain, and boosting  movement of the center of
        o ver al l  ene rg y  by  he lp ing  Q i   s h o u l d   b e   c o n t r o l l e d   b y                          ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶
                                                                                                                          ▶       ▶
        digestion.                        applying the Upper Main Energy    △ Acupuncture Points of the Lower             ▶  ▶  ▶  ▶
        Also, symptoms in the pelvic  Sources with the Root Qi Place.       Main Energy Source
        cavity such as cystitis and  The Lower Main Energy                                                     ⑦본원지처                 ⑦본원지처
        hemorrhoid could be treated  Source is used to treat lower                                             Root Qi               Root Qi
                                                                                                               Place       ▶    ▶
        using eight 'Liao' points. The  back pain, sciatica, prostate                                                                Place
                                                                                Procedure:  ①UB40(위중)→②
        points help to make stronger  enlargement, and various                                                  ①위중                   ①위중
                                                                            UB39(현종)→③SP6(삼음교)→④LI11(곡          UB40                   UB40
        digestion and lower body,  symptoms in the urinogenital  지)→
        therefore, it could generate  organs. The Lower Main                ⑤Lower  Main  Energy  Source(하기                   ▶
                                                                            처)→⑥  Heaven  Taiji  Points(천경태극   ②현종        ▶  ▶   ▶     ②현종
        more energy. Especially,  Energy Source is also used                혈)→⑦Root Qi Place(본원지처)            UB39                    UB39
        t h e  L o w e r  Q i  P l a c e  c o n t r o l  for  psychological  symptoms
        technique can be applied to  because the Lower Main                                                                SP6
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