Page 6 - Acupuncture Times Nov. 2021
P. 6
6 Acupuncture Nov 1, 2021 Vol. 32 Hani Times
Constitutional Acupuncture
Diagnosis of a Greater Yang Damp Type
A Greater Yin has big Wood and small Metal.
By David Lee, L.Ac.
constitution. A Soeumin 2. I get motion sickness on my body, especially the
has a Cool type as its easily, such as on boats or heavy ones. The metallic
primary constitution. airplanes. I cannot read necklace, wristband, and
a book as a passenger watch are cumbersome.
in a car for more than 10. I cannot talk or sing
five minutes, even when for a long time. My voice
moving straight and at a can get hoarse easily. My
constant speed. throat can get sore easily.
3. I am lactose intolerant or 11. I wouldn't say I like
allergic to milk products. I physical activities that
△ Taeyangin has the Greater Yang in primary and Lesser experience increased nasal require strength or
Yang is the secondary. image©DavidLee discharge, bloating, and / stamina, such as lifting
or bowel function changes heavyweights. A light
△ image©DavidLee
A Greater Yang damp after drinking a glass of aerobic type of exercise is
body type is present milk. preferable. My muscles do
in two constitutions Below are some psycho- 4. I'm not too fond of not grow as quickly and
of Sasang four consti- logical and physiological perfume or strong odors. retain their mass.
tutional medicine. For characteristics. Not all They often give me a 12. I wear regular, not
a Taeyangin, Greater information has to be headache or make me feel wide, shoes because
Yang is the primary, present to identify the dizzy. I feel light-headed my feet are slim. I walk
and Lesser Yang is the Greater Yang type. or dizzy when I have a lightly because my legs
secondary. A Greater 1. I find high protein and strong mint taste, such as are slim and do not have
△ image©DavidLee
Yang characteristic can oily foods to be heavy and mint-flavored gum, in my musculature.
also be a secondary A Greater Yin has big take a long time to digest. mouth for more than 10 13. I cannot stay up all
in Soeumin. T h e s e Wood (Liver and Gall They make me feel heavy, minutes. night to finish a project.
two damp types derive Bladder) and small Metal tired, and bloated. My 5. Regardless of the My body is delicate and
benefit from foods and (Lung and Large Intestine). bowels are not normal. I quality, my voice is can handle physical
herbal medicine that are A Taeeumin has a Warm feel sick with Atkin's and middle- to high-pitched. challenges only for a short
dampening. t y p e a s i t s s e c o n d a r y Ketogenic diet. When signing, I am more time.
comfortable with voicing 14. I tend to lean when
a tenor than a baritone sitting. It is not easy to
“미국 한의사의 성공 첫 걸음은 보험을 sound. maintain a straight posture
알아야 한다” 6. I would rather be in for an extended period.
hot than cold weather. A I do not have enough
warmer temperature is musculature in the torso to
책에도 나와 있지 않은 15년 경험 보험청구/Clinic more acceptable. In cold keep me upright.
Management의 노하우를 교육 받을 수 있는 기회를 weather, I have difficulty 15. I tend to act first
놓치지 마세오 being motivated and instead of thoroughly
(최신 정보, 보험청구에 관한 모든 궁금증을 해결) physically moving. think through things. I
7. I have difficulty ignoring g e t frustrated with
*****보험 청구 교육 계획***** a nagging pain, and it detailed information.
affects my activities. My I am not a natural at
강사 : John Kim(김 광순) tolerance to pain is lower managing people and
미 전역에서 유일하게 보험 청구 교육을 하는 한의사 than an average person. situations.
OC/LA 지역(CEU제공) I tend to avoid contact 16. I have a problem with
-일자 : 2021년 12월 5일(일) 9:00-6:00 sports because it is painful heights and cannot work
-장소 : Howard Johnson Hotel (Fullerton, CA 92832) and unpleasant. I have in high places with relative
difficulty understanding ease. I feel terror when
2022년 교육 계획(OC/LA지역) why people would want to standing in a high place
-일자 : 2/20. 5/22, 9/4, 12/4(변경가능/세부계획 별도 공지) continue after a hard hit or without a railing to hold
-장소 : Howard Johnson Hotel (Fullerton, CA 92832) fall. onto.
8. I feel uncomfortable 17. I have lactose in-
교육 관련 문의는 [email protected], wearing a scarf or turtle- tolerance. Drinking milk
또는 714-392-3903(Text only) neck around my neck, even c a u s e s b l o a t i n g a n d
in cooler weather. I cannot diarrhea.
사전 등록 Benefit Plan imagine wearing a hat or 18. I have an allergy to
교육신청 접수 후부터 보험청구/Clinic Management관련 문제점 해결을 hoodie all day long. A hat nuts. They cause mild
위한 개별 문의가능
does not make me feel symptoms of skin itch
A2Z Health Services, Inc comfortable and cozy. I and hay fever. Severe
prefer not to wear them as symptoms can occur with
a fashion statement. anaphylaxis, such as
보험청구 대행/보험사 Provider 가입대행 문의는 714-356-3064
이 메일 문의 : [email protected] 9. I feel uncomfortable swelling of the throat and
keeping a piece of jewelry difficulty breathing.