Page 22 - Hani Times June 2019
P. 22
22 6DOH 3URPRWLRQ June 7PM Hani Times
h.0 ᷄i ủᨩ᳸ᱳ᳸ ᢁ 7KH $FXSXQFWXUH 1HHGOHV 5HFHLYHG 0'6$3
螡禝 穉浽 35獡蝑槁禹砕獡 積 庹砕 濅螮螝擙 禝欑恵恵毁 禽篢 According to KM Supplies, audit of a medical device
繱毱砕 蕕氩 策禽 Ї35)肭 灙 螝擙 穡昉攩 禹 肭禅 弥茉獶禝 medical supplies vendor manufacturer’s quality
樱瓩荵 甶恅 Ј彁 Ї35肭 畍簅 Ј 瑝秊穡 肭簆獥 碅禹矹毁 狱磮螹 based in Los Angeles, CA, management system that
禹 +-碅 渽徲 .,)砕 禹矹 羡恁 蚡油 绲廵禹 绥穅螝弥 穚湅幅强 KM and KMA acupuncture satisfies the requirements
渽徲 胕拝攩 衽筁 灑槁簍 私 獩炉毁 湵螮螹 秱欑獶擪禹 磵瑝 needles recently received of multiple regulatory
漽 朶 幡徲禝 5,;)8 蛍簍漹 螝攩 桕螡 秕昞積攭恵 秕昞瓩 approval from The Medical jurisdictions: Australia,
篢禽篢禉 湠瞝攩 5,;)8 <PM 蝉氆恵弉 罍禑蕑 绲廵恵弉 秕 Device Single Audit Brazil, Canada, Japan and
5MLQKIT ,M^QKM ;QVOTM )]LQ\ 昞蘱秪 朶 穉秕昞 猢狵獩炉毁 Program, MDSAP. the United States.
8ZWOZIU 擙 禝欑恵恵禝 瞍穉獶 泭暕 幛耉弥 渽徲裑狱禝 磵瑝螡 The Medical Device Earlier, FDA and CE
彁 蛍簍彅毱毁 祉螹 徲穡 禝欑 甩毱膝 硩私禉 狱磮螡攩 肭 抢 Single Audit Program, approved KMA and KM
恵恵 怡穡 放徲秕 蘱橁 15,:. 绝毱昉 彁螞穆禁檡 彅毱螡攩 MDSAP is a program that acupuncture needle.
砕獡 攭私 由狱毁 菺螹 恵筅 磙 5 allows the conduct of an 5
螡禝 穉浽 獡蝑槁禹 瞉芕杙蘱幅 攩 A big sales event is going lamp bulb. The product has
穆碽獥 槭蝉碅 硭砹楽 硭砹昙 楽彁 肭禉 昞甡砕 甡瑥螥 瑝 种 on in Acudepot, medical been known for neat and
獽私 蝉檡泭玝禉 甩甡螡攩 擙 硭砹楽禅 肝欑 甡幉禹 等矹 supplies and herbs vendor simple design and easier
摉徱拝 狱磮幅擪螡 菺篢碉袙 禝 朩弥 裭彁擙 怾故袙 甡英 瑝 种 for Infrared lamp, Electro to adjust height. Electro
欑恵恵 穆碽獥 槭蝉 擙 由蝑螡 攩 楽 杵檡 肭 杵檡昉 幅擪螝弥 Needle-Moxa Device, and Needle-Moxa Device allows
杙秕禽禹 秪穕禁檡 揗拳禹 窵積 螭愝昉 肝欑螥 瑝 种攩 Far Infrared Dom in June. acupuncture treatment
禹 幅擪螝弥 湙艹幅 种矹 禹昞 硭砹昙禅 簅湮 砵珑 衍瞦瑡袝 According to Acudepot, and moxa treatment,
禹 藽毱螝攩 湔 螹昊罎簉 菺篢彁 瓩蓽橍瓩 price for an Infrared lamp simultaneously. And it
瞉芕杙蘱擙 禹 穡蛍禉 !砕 幕珑 矖簍禝 瑝油 祥昉 朶禝 裭 was reduced to $169.00 is flexible: acupuncture
獡 獽私 幅廮禽 !砕 穡强螝 彁幅 种禁沵 礙 橑茍 蝉檡 and if you purchase the treatments with or without
沵 礙 私悑簅 硭槁禽 徱氩秕 怽槭禹 种矹 异穡穆禽 濅改昉 lamp by June 15th, you will moxa are possible.
砕 螡螹 穉徱 螝拝毁 强簡檡 筅 穆攩 5 get one free infrared heat 5
螡矂 穉浽 獡蝑槁禹 螡禝氍蓽幅 幆竊 袝穡碅 彁氂穡禝 毱瓩蓽 Hani Mart, an herbal such as Gamiguibiwhan,
礙 穚恵獽私禉 甩甡螡攩. 碅 幅廮禹 螉磙螡 异磵 M 沙私 product supplier, will Kaejibokryungwhan, and
沁穅 裑狱 聦禹 砉獶螡 秱欑檡 PIVQUIZ\ (OUIQT KWU 檡 浽 reduce regular prices for Sangwhawhan. Also price
绲廵螝廑 民朥 幆竊 袝穡 幅渽 禝螝油 湠瞉潁 瑝 种攩 herbal medicine formulas for more than 90 different
怅炉袝 弉簅漺橾袝 畒袙袝 祦 螡禝氍蓽擙 桕螡 绝湮穉禉 漹拹 pills and granule powder herbal formula product
渽簅袮袝 朶 砱 竊 朩禉 獽私 庵拝 矂秱毁 改瞉 漹拹油 穚獶 forms. Herbal medicine form Kyungbang Co.,
螡攩 桕螡 漹策禺恵茚, 甲穉故 愔 攱砱筁擙 茚矂獡炉瓩 裑 茚 formulas were prepared South Korean herbal and
漹茚 禅徕狵 幅渽怅炉茚 珑绲 穡炉 螡矂秱 幗禅 漉昉 毁 with best quality herbs and pharmaceutical company
欦茚 湝螝褉湚茚 朶 螡徲 异湮 甩甡螝弥 幅悑磹 弸禅 簆穖 湵 made in highest quality of will be reduced during the
甥矂禝 彁氂穡 ! 砱 竊昉 獽私 攱 湔 茅筁 磵藽湡珦 幅擪螝攩 sanitation.Sale price will sales promotion.
螡攩. 5 be applied to various pills 5
᱿᯳Ἀ᧹ hᨩᯉ ᳁Ϊὄi -D\HRQ +HUE V 6DOHV (YHQW
秕砵螡湮禝 恵窹 穡蛍彁 螭愝 禹滍砕 翡甡晡 穡蛍禅 袝積恵
Jayeon Herb and Acupunc- such as Sangwhawhan and
猍檡 翡甡螡 Ї袝Ј 穡蛍朩禹 禽恵 庹幚砕 慲 螉磙螡 Ї畒袙袝Ј彁 硱
ture’s is holding a spring Chungsuikkiwhan.
毁 抑弥 种攩. 浹料祉禝 庹幚禉 彅毱螥 Ї绲獡
sales promotion event Sangwhawhan is literally
恵窹砕 禽恵毁 抑弥 种斝 漹矂 禺恵袝Ј 竊禹攩
for 4 different herbal meaning a formula that
竊禁檡擙 袮穡禝 泊矂禁檡 祥 畒袙袝禅 恵碅 衍禉 畒禁檡 窵
pill shaped formulas; harmonizes Qi and blood
泊螡 强簉攭 襹故碅 漺磮禹 幉 袙檲廑 螹筅攩擙 禝渽檡 禑矖
Gongjindan, Yunryung- simultaneously and it cures
藽螡 异硪攭 裑翝禝 浝矂禁檡 禝 濅窵袙檡 祦绹幅 琥矂螝弥
gobondan, Kyungokdan, fatigue and common cold
濍毱擙 砵橾弥漽攭 由秪禉 漹 螁弩螥 枑 泽禉 杵榀螝廑 螹 袝
and Chunwangbosimdan. symptoms.
螹筁擙 羡弥禝 螡矂 Ї绡碚漹由 積恵 庹幚砕 竐攩 桕螡 绲獡禺
Also Jayeon Herb and Acu- Chungsuiikwhan is literally
攭Ј 朶禁檡 禹渽 螡禝狱朩 狱禹 恵袝禅 恵碅 簉瞦禉 漹翮螹筁弥
puncture introduced 2 new meaning clearing heat of
砕獡擙 “竐禅 裭彁毁 漹禽攩”擙 祉檡 抑矹硱橩筅攩.
products for this season, summer. 5
蘎禉 湠弥 种攩 5 ΪMore practical information of various acupuncture skills and its principles.
will be available on June 1st. ΪMore practical information of herbal formula and case studies.
ΪStudy material for current acupuncture related studies, articles, and
research paper.
You can get more information regarding your practice ΪMore practical information regarding medical billing and management.
and news at ΪOn-line communities for current issues.