Page 16 - Hani Times August 2019
P. 16
16 Acupuncture August 1, 2019 Vol. 5 Hani Times
A Hook that Unites Acupuncture with Sasang Medicine
사암으로 사상을 통합하는 고리
But it is clinically verified in 60% efficacy rate because some (Jing-river) are now Fire
30% of population. individuals have low response points instead of SP2 and
Because constitutional to acupuncture regardless of HT8. And SP2 (Ying-spring)
acupuncture is conveniently the problem. and KD2 (Ying-spring) are
measurable, predictable, Water points instead of SP9
and reproducible, I and my Here is a way to increase and KD10.
cohorts verified that the five-
element transporting points Spleen Tonification for Soeumin using Saam Acupuncture
are interchangeable with Jema 70% of Soemins 30% of Soeumins
Lee’s organs! 대도 SP2 (Fire) 상구 SP5 (Fire)
소부 HT8 (Fire) 영도 HT4 (Fire)
Here is an example of a Saam
음릉천 SP9 (Water) 대도 SP2 (Water)
four-needle technique for a
Soeumin using traditional five- 음곡 KD10 (Water) 연곡 KD2 (Water)
element order. A Soeumin has
△ The hook that unites Saam acupuncture and Sasang big Kidney and small Spleen. the efficacy for the other Saam acupuncture is well-
together is the five-element order. photoⓒAdobeStock_
designua Let’s transpose Jema Lee’s 30% of Soeumins with a new known for its quick and lasting
diagnosis with that of Saam’s as formula SP5, HT4, SP2, and relief for pain, inflammation,
excessive Water and deficient KD2. For these people, the and dysfunction. Your ability
The hook that unites Earth. To tonify Spleen, Saam traditional five-element order to take control with these
By David Lee, L.Ac.
acupuncture and Sasang chose SP2, HT8, SP1, and LR1 of Yin meridians begins with alternative set of points will
together is this: the five-element to tonify the mother Fire with Metal on Jing-well points. increase patient satisfaction
Does it exist? Yes! Unification order on the transporting SP2 and HT8 and to sedate This order is ingrained in and your pocket. This pattern
of acupuncture and herbal points of Yin meridians Wood the controller Wood with SP1 them since birth and does also works with Taeyangin,
medicine has been long sought- (Jing-well)-Fire-Earth-Metal- and LR1. We need to change not change over lifetime. The Taeeumin, and Soyangin.
after. A holy grail is to have one Water (He-sea) occurs in the controller to Water from new five-element assignment Not only do you have a
overarching theory to merge 70% population and Metal Wood because some Soeumins on a Spleen meridian is constitutional acupuncture
acupuncture and herbs. Until (Jing-well)-Water-Wood- have constitutionally deficient SP1 Metal, SP2 Water, SP3 but also a way of unifying
now, herbal medicine with Fire-Earth (he-sea) in 30% of Wood. Then the new four- Wood, SP5 Fire, and SP9 Saam acupuncture and
organ theory and acupuncture population. Again, a minority needle technique is SP2, HT8, Earth. The same pattern Sasang herbal medicine.
with meridian theory were of individuals have an alternate SP9, and KD10. SP2 and HT8 applies to a Heart meridian When you observe such
separately practiced. Finally, order of Metal at Jing-well, are mother Fire points to as HT9 Metal, HT8 Water, significance in your results,
the 21st century has a Water at Ying-spring, Wood tonify the son Earth Spleen. HT7 Wood, HT4 Fire, and you will see how evolutionary
working solution through at Shu-stream, Fire at Jing- SP9 and KD10 are controlling HT3 Earth. Lastly, a Kidney and revolutionary Sasang
Sasang Acupuncture, which river, and Earth at He-sea on grandchildren water points to meridian’s elements are KD1 Acupuncture is. We are
uses an improved version of the Yin meridians. No ancient also tonify the Earth Spleen. Metal, KD2 Water, KD3 standing on the shoulders of
Saam four-needle technique texts mentioned that a Yang But even this improved Wood, KD7 Fire, and KD10 giants who have led the way
and eight constitutions meridian five-element order formula applies to 70% of Earth. From this perspective, towards finally discovering
acupuncture. can also occur in Yin meridians. Soeumins, and gives up to a SP5 (Jing-river) and HT4 the hook for unification.
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