Page 4 - Acupuncture Times January 2021
P. 4
4 Acupuncture Jan 1, 2021 Vol. 22 Hani Times
Constitutional Acupuncture
Diagnosing Sasang Torso Shapes
Constitutional shapes are common.
Triangle shape of a Apple shape of a Greater Yin person:
Lesser Yang person:
The fifth line is shorter than
the third line, indicating
a Lesser Yang sub-
constitution. A fourth line
that is shorter than the third
line indicates a Greater Yang
△ image©davidlee, adopted from sub-constitution. A first line
that is longer than the fifth
line also indicates a Greater
Greater Yin (Dry) or Greater Yang.
By David Lee L.Ac. Triangle shape of a Lesser Yang person:
Yang (Damp). Furthermore,
lower body is either a Lesser Hourglass shape of a
There is an objective way Yin (Cold) or Lesser Yang Lesser Yin person:
to diagnose the Sasang four (Hot). The fifth line is wider
constitutions. In the fashion than both the third and
world, the west had also A p pl e s h a pe o f a umbilical fourth lines,
discovered them as apple, Greater Yin person: indicating a Lesser Yin
hourglass, triangle, and pear. The umbilical fourth sub-constitution. A major
These are innate shapes. line is wider than the indicator of a Greater Yang
The east had discovered shoulder first line, the sub-constitution is that the
acupuncture, herbs, and stomach third, and ilium fourth line is shorter than
foods for these constitutions. fifth lines, indicating the third line. A first line Hourglass shape of a Lesser Yin person:
Dr. ManHoi Huh 허만회in a G re at e r Yi n s ub- that is longer than the fifth
1970s identified the torso constitution. The ilium line also indicates a Greater
landmarks to measure fifth line is shorter than Yang.
using a ruler. Using Ren14 both the stomach third
point location (line #3) as a and umbilical fourth Pear shape of a Lesser
midline, we can determine lines, indicating a Lesser Yin person:
the upper body as either a Yang sub-constitution. A fifth line that is wider
Pear shape of a Lesser Yin person:
than the third line indi- shorter line five than line
cates a Lesser Yin sub- three, making a confident
constitution. A Greater interpretation from mea-
Yin sub-constitution surement difficult. So, the
has a fourth line that is comparison between line
wider than both the third three and line five should
and fifth lines. Another be associated with females
indicator of a Greater Yin only.
is that a fifth line is wider
than a first line by more The best way to master in
than three centimeters. identifying these shapes
is by measuring with a
For Lesser Yin males, caliper of these five lines
the line five being one on more than 100 people.
centimeter or higher than A majority in population
line three strongly points has the profile shapes of
toward the person being a Sasang four constitutions,
Lesser Yin. However, many making this diagnostic tool
Lesser Yin males can have useful.