Page 6 - Acupuncture Times Apr. 2021
P. 6
6 Acupuncture Apr 1, 2021 Vol. 25 Hani Times
Constitutional Acupuncture
Magic Points for Spinal Pain; An easy step 1, 2, 3
have Metal-Order than
Wood Order Wood-Order. Treat
LI1 GB44 Wood GB44 Well Metal-Order Horary
points up to two times.
UB66 SI2 Fire SI2 Spring
If a relief is significant,
GB41 ST43 Earth ST43 Stream
then repeat until the
SI5 LI5 Metal LI5 River problem is resolved or is
△ He suffers back and
ST36 UB40 Water UB40 Sea much better.
shoulder pain during a golf
game. imageⓒ shutterstock_ In step 3, if the relief
sattahipbeach These 2 sets are the pain). Do not give a is mild or none with
special points that treat bilateral (both sides of Metal-Order, then
Five Element characteristic spinal pain very well the body) treatment. It is provide two treatments
By David Lee L.Ac.
as its pertaining meridian. by promoting healing. because each side of the of Set 2 Wood-Order
The five element points are The relief is as quick body acts independently Horary points GB44, SI2,
A simple and effective on Transporting points of and lasting as Korean with Metal-Order and ST43, LI5, and UB40
acupuncture protocol for Well, Spring, Stream, River, Saam Four Needle Wood-Order. Besides, o n t h e s a m e s i d e o f
neck and low back pain does and Water. For Yang points, a Technique. The main the result of a bilateral the body. Set 2 points
exist. It is called Bisoma Well point is Metal, a Spring difference between acupuncture is same as should result in a better
acupuncture, which only point is Water, a Stream Bisoma and Saam is that one-sided acupuncture. reduction in pain and
needs to use Horary points point is Wood, a River point Bisoma is more reliable. However, if one side of i nc r e a se in r a ng e of
to treat these most frequent is Fire, and a Sea point is Therefore, the relief can the body has the correct motion. Continue with
muscle-joint pains. Bisoma Water. When we associate be achieved for more Horary points and the the better relieving
is simple because it uses acupuncture points to the people. other side does not, of the 2 sets until the
only two sets Horary points. Transporting points, then Here is how you use the then the relief is not as condition is resolved or
Bisoma is effective because Large Intestine 1 is a Metal- Bisoma technique. It is a good as only one side much better.
its relief is quick and lasting. Well, Urinary Bladder 66 is a simple 3 step process. In acupuncture. Bisoma acupunctur e
It accelerates recovery of Water-Spring, Gall Bladder step 1, pick only on one In step 2, acupuncture can be used with other
the soft tissue damage, 41 is a Wood-Stream, Small side of the body. It does the Metal-Order Horary acupuncture points. You
even from structural issues Intestine 5 is a Fire-River, not matter whether it is points LI1, UB66, can add scalp, local, and
caused by disc herniation, and Stomach 36 is an Earth- ipsilateral (same side as GB41, SI5, and ST36 on non-Transporting distal
degenerative joint disease, Sea. These point locations the pain) or contralateral the chosen side. It is points for additional
and spondylolisthesis. At are ingrained in an individual (o pp os it e si de o f th e b e c a u s e m o r e p e o p l e relief.
least 70% of them notice from birth. Set 1 is called a
moderate to high relief, even Metal-Order because a Metal
in these conditions. The element begins at the Well
magic points are found in point.
Metal Order
Metal LI1 Well
Water UB66 Spring
Wood GB41 Stream
Fire SI5 River
Earth ST36 Sea
the correct usage of Horary However, there is another
points through Bisoma group of people who do not
acupuncture. You will have Horary points on the
quickly be recognized as the standard locations. Rather,
go-to acupuncturist by the the points are the same
community. as that of Yin points. The
Bisoma acupuncture is alternative points are in Set 2.
constitutional. The prefix ‘bi’ These new Horary points are
means two and the suffix as follows: Gall Bladder 44 is
‘soma’ means body. These a Wood-Well, Small Intestine
active points are ingrained 2 is a Fire-Spring, Stomach
in an individual from birth 43 is an Earth-Stream,
through lifetime. The points Large Intestine 5 is a Metal-
for relieving spinal pain are River, and Urinary Bladder
convenient to use because 40 is a Water-Sea. These
they are repeatable at any are the alternate points
time. that are innate in 30% of a
Bisoma acupuncture points population. Set 2 is called a
are called Horary due to their Wood-Order because a Wood
Five Element nature. Each element begins at the Well
Horary point is identical in its point.