Page 8 - Acupuncture Times Apr. 2021
P. 8
8 광고 Apr 1, 2021 Vol. 25 Hani Times
Qigong: Theory, Principles, and Application in Integrative Healthcare Settings
V. Principles of Qigong ① Breath
By Hey Soon Jeong PD., L.Ac., Jun Yoon, Jeff Millison M.Ac., L.Ac., Academic Dean of VUIM
moving bowels. Various When inhaling, the lower
types of breathing have abdomen protrudes, and
different effects on the body. the abdominal muscles are
Abdominal diaphragmatic relaxed. Upon exhaling, the
breathing can lower the lower abdomen moves toward
blood pressure, activate the center of the body as the
peristalsis and increase the diaphragm releases and the
venous return of oxygenated intra-abdominal pressure is
blood, which increases the released. This method can
overall oxygen level of the powerfully activate Qi to
blood. It also draws the Qi move through the channels
down to the lower part of in an upward direction. This
the body, helping to relax type of breathing is very
the mind. Another type useful for people with Qi
is focused on lower belly sinking conditions such as
△ In Qigong, the purpose of breathing techniques is to mobilize and intensify Qi flow. imageⓒ breathing, strengthening the organ prolapse.
shutterstock_Microgen. kidneys, and the Mingmen Alternating cycles of the
(Gate of Life) Fire. Mingmen longer-shorter duration of
The 2010 PubMed article of San Diego. his month, the breath is also associated fire activates the spleen inhale-exhale movements
by R. Jahnke et. al. outlines first two of five principles: with the link between the and lungs for digestive and focus on the duration of the
how Qigong benefits natural, Breath and Posture, are physical and spiritual worlds respiratory functions. On the cycles of inhaling-exhaling
self-regulating healing introduced. to facilitate the development other hand, focused upper rather than the mechanics
capacity: 1) self-correction of greater awareness and chest breathing can increase of breathing. A longer
of the posture and body Breath more intense experience blood pressure and stimulate exhale cycle can decrease
movement, 2) breathing In Traditional Chinese of spirit and energy. This the heart and lungs to carbon dioxide and other
3) mind relaxation and Medicine (TCM), the breath teaching was all part of the move the Blood and Qi more toxic gas levels and will
4) release of endogenous is very closely related to Qi. spiritual traditions in ancient quickly. This technique is decrease blood pressure.
neurohormones. Similarly, The lungs govern the Qi and civilizations throughout the recommended for people Breathing exercises can
the active principles for respiration by dispersing world. with low blood pressure or produce the quickest and
Qigong exercises are breath, or moving it through the Through breathing, the body mental dullness. strongest initial physical
posture, movement, mindful entire body via the channels inhales oxygen, exhales Different systems of Qigong response out of any of the
visualization, and relaxation. and their collaterals. Also, gases, and regulates the use the breath in a variety Qigong principles. However,
A particular principle can be the lungs form a protective acid-a l k a l i ne a nd t he of ways, such as “Post-Natal sudden Qi stimulation can
the main focus depending on barrier against the invasion water balance in the body. Breathing” or alternating create an excess condition
the Qigong style, tradition or of external pathogenic Breathing also controls the cycles of longer-shorter, and intensify pre-existing
system. factors. In Qigong, the flow of lymph via muscle inhale-exhale movements. s y m p t om s . T h us , t h e
The explanation for these pu r p o s e of b r e a t h i n g movements and activates Post-Natal Breathing is emphasis must be placed
five principles is extracted techniques is to mobilize t h e d i g e st i v e o r g a n s also often called Natural on gradually cultivating the
from the Taoist Sanctuary and intensify Qi flow. The for processing food and Breathing or Baby Breathing. growth of Qi.
People ①
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작이요, 끝이라고 밝혔습니다” 을 아끼다가 다시 꺼내서 입는 절염, 자가 면역질환 등의 환 용해야 하는지, 기존 한의치료
뉴욕•뉴저지 간송한의원 최재 것 같다”며 “이 옷은 입으면 입 자는 물론 노인성 치매, 경동 와 병행해 사용하는 방법 등을
호 원장<사진>의 얘기다. 소문 을수록 한의사의 품격이 올라 맥이 막힌 뇌출혈 환자, 신장 쉽고 간단하고 따라 하기 쉽게
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Program)을 아는 것은 마치 십을 거쳐 NYU 메디컬 센터와 조금만 익히면 마치 내 안에 의 자들의 좋은 반응을 얻자 이제 (강의 문의 T. 347-380-
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