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6        Acupuncture                                                                                    Dec 1, 2021  Vol. 33  Hani Times

                            Constitutional Acupuncture
           Sasang and Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types

                                  A Taeyangin likely has (T) Thinking, not (F) Feeling.

                                                                                                                             By David Lee, L.Ac.

                                                              knowing the big picture, such as  is obsessive-compulsive with
                                                              the whole that is bigger than the  repetitive movements.
                                                              sum of its parts. The ample number
                                                              of details can become easily boring  A Taeyangin is a combination of
                                                              for the (I) Intuitives.     (N) and (P). A Taeyangin likely
                                                              (F) Feeling likes to process the  has (T) Thinking, not (F) Feeling.
                                                              world with emotion, where a  A Soyangin’s type indicator is the
                                                              heartfelt interaction is preferable. (F)   same as Taeyangin, except that the
                                                              Feelers are moody and emotionally  (P) is primary and (N) is secondary.
                                                              moved. (T) Thinking likes to  There is also a second Soyangin,
                                                              interpret the world with logic and  which has (P) as primary and (S).
                                                              rationality. They prefer to approach  Both Soyangins have (F) Feelings.   flexible with changes. With their
                                                              the world with the scientific                          (T) Thinking function, they take on
                                                              process, and healthy skepticism                        the role of leading a group of people
         △ Two different ideas from the East and West share many
         things in common. image©DavidLee                     as emotion can get in the way of                       with courage, especially in times of
                                                              properly knowing the facts.                            uncertainty.
        Western Myers-Briggs 16    (J) Judging is a Lesser Yin and Cold.  (P) Perceiving is open-ended. (P)          Personalities are not easily
        personality types (MBTI)   Lastly, (P) is a Lesser Yang and Hot.   has a variety of interests and would      distinguished because we all
        conveniently identify the Sasang   There are many MBTI books,  prefer to defer deciding until the            have more or less of the eight
        4 constitutions. Developed in   which describe these 8 functions in  last minute. Hence, (P) is often late   characteristics. But there is a bar
        the 1940s from the work of a   much detail.           to an appointment. Furthermore,                        that delineates one opposing
        famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung,   (E) Extrovert is a person who gets   they take on interesting projects but   temperament function from
        it amply describes the personality   energized by being around people.   leave many undone.  When (P) is  There are two Soeumins. One  another. Population statistics can
        characteristics more than Sasang   Hanging around with people all  extreme, it displays attention deficit  Soeumin is (J) Judging primary and  help the differentiation. About 50%
        has. MBTI is a reliable way to   day gives them increased stamina.   disorder. (J) is orderly because it  (N) Intuitive secondary. The second  of the population is (S) Sensing,
        identify the four constitutions of   (I) Introverts like to spend more   likes to select the most important   Soeumin is (J) Judging primary and  and the other half is (I) Intuitive.
        Taeyangin, Soyangin, Taeumin, and   time alone, as the solitary times  task early and is persistent until  (S) Sensing secondary. Both have   Furthermore, about 70% of females
        Soeumin.                   allow them to be replenished. (I)  it is done. (J) is either early or on  (J) Judging, a Cold type, as primary.  are (J), and 30% are (P). Contrarily,
        MBTI consists of 8 characteristics   Introverts quickly get drained of  time to an appointment. When (J)  And both have (F) Feeling or (T)  about 30% of males are (P) and
        that make up 10 temperament   energy when around people for too  is extreme, the person’s behavior   Thinking. Soeumin is stereotypically  70% are (S). Lastly, about 40% is (T)
        types. The four opposing pairs are   long. However, (E) and (I) are not           known as emotional and moody  Thinking and 60% (F) Feeling.
        (E) Extrovert – (I) Introvert, (N)   distinguishing factors because they          because of the (F) Feeling function.  The west has contributed to the
        Intuitive – (S) Sensing, (F) Feeling   exist in all four Sasang constitutions.    But many Soeumin is also (T)   knowledge of constitutions. The
        – (T) Thinking, and (J) Judging –                                                 Thinkers, making them superior  east has the application of diet
        (P) Perceiving. Although developed   (S) Sensing is characterized by an           in analytical skills with less  and herbal medicine. Both are
        independently in the west, it has the   interest in knowing details, such as      emotionality.              unified for an even more accurate
        same meaning as the words used   specifications and features. They                                           diagnosis with proven natural
        in eastern medicine. (N) Intuitive   like to know the exact pieces that           Taeeumins have (S) Sensing and  medicine. Constitutional medicine is
        is a Greater Yang and Damp. (S)   make up the whole. Contrarily,                  (P) Perceiving. It allows them  now more reliable, predictable, and
        Sensing is a Greater Yin and Dry.   an (N) Intuitive is interested in             to know the details while being   measurable.

        Korean Acupuncture: The Individualized and Practical Acupuncture Ⅰ. Introduction

                                                                                                           By Hye-jung Lee, Neurological Research

        Acupuncture inherits its origin   Huangdineijing, was transcribed   framework to explain biologic   therapies identified by Sasang   pathologic reactions.
        from ancient East Asia and is   from the book named The Bible of   phenom¬ena within the concept   medicine according to the patient’  New acupuncture methods
        one of the oldest healing arts.  Acupuncture, which was brough! to   of constitutional medicine.  s innate constitution6 Eight   that both simplify and enhance
        It is currently gaining wider  the Song dynasty from the Korean   Theories of KA are to simplify  constitution acupuncture is based   practical approaches have also
        acceptance among modern    dynasty in 1092. The Huangdineijing   the understanding of the body’s   on the Jheore¬tical categories   been devel¬oped. The Korean hand
        scientific groups. Expanding   states that the healing stones, an   core imbalances and enable   of eight succinct constitutions.  acupuncture, for example, uses the
       -interests in acupuncture are well   ancient form of acupuncture, also   practitioners to devise, therapeutic   Both Sasang constitutional   newly developed meridian system
        reflected in the increasing number  came from the East, implicating that   strategies. that are based on   medicine and eight constitu¬tion   that is intrinsic in both hands where
        of articles published. The PubMed   acupuncture originated from eastern   constitu¬tional energy traits. Saam   acupuncture identify four or  the whole body’s meridian system
        database had 282 acupuncture   ancient China .         acupuncture suggests 12 energy   eight constitutions according to   is reflected as homunculus-like.
        related articles in 1993, 294 in 1998  While maintaining a close  (or Qi) traits_! that underlie diverse   inherent discrepancies among   Herbal acupuncture also integrates
        and 452 in 2003, and the number  relationship with China, Korea   superficial biologic phenomena.  major organ energies, all of which   the benefits of herbal medicine and
        has been dramatically increased to   has continued to develop unique   These 12 energies are· mainly   are considered to determine the   acupuncture attempting to elicit
        529 in 2004.               medicine of its own over the   controlled by 12 corresponding   physiologic characteristics of the   more efficient reactions within the
        Ancient Korean and Chinese   history and established different   meridian energies that determine   individual and serve as a major- body.
        dynasties held close relationships,  types of acupuncture methods   the inclinations of the whole body.  imbalance of diverse pathologic   In this report, we will briefly
        not only in politics but also in   from those of traditional Chinese  And it is these 12 energies that are   processes. These constitutional   review the acupuncture of
        medicine, throughout the history.  medicine (TCM).    targeted to recover the balance   traits are considered as the   traditional Korean medicine (TKM)
        For example, the current ver¬sion   Korean acupuncture (KA) uses a   of the body’s energy system.  source of individual differences in   to date focusing on its unique
        of Lingshu, the second half of the   summarized and individualized  Taegeuk acupunc¬ture emphasizes   apparently similar physiolo¬gic or  developments.
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