Page 6 - Hani Times December 2019
P. 6

6        Acupuncture                                                                               December 1, 2019  Vol. 9  Hani Times

              Tetrasoma Four Constitutions Acupuncture & Sasang

                          Herbal Medicine 사상체질 침과 한약은 동의함

                                                              Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  a Metal element.         but Wu Zhu Yu Fu Zi Li Zhong
                                                              Being a Soeumin, she is highly  The Metal-Order Saam  Tang 오수유부자이중탕 (Bai Zhu,
                                                              sensitive to caffeine. Over  prescription for this constitution  Gan Jiang, Rou Gui, Bai Shao
                                                              10-year period, the pains in  is as follows. Sedate Wood with  Yao, Chen Pi, Zhi Gan Cao, Wu
                                                              knees, low back, ankles, hips,  LR8 (+Earth), SP9 (+Earth), LR2  Zhu Yu, Xiao Hui Xiang, Bu Gu
                                                              elbows, leg, and heels were  (-Water), and KD2 (-Water).  Zi, and Fu Zi) for 10 days had
                                                              well relieved with acupuncture  Tonify Fire with HT3 (+Earth),  eliminated both the problems.
                                                              when cortisone injections only  SP9 (+Earth), HT8 (-Water),  In addition, it relieved the acid
                                                              helped a little. The treatment  and KD2 (-Water). Tonify  reflux caused by Barrett’s
                                            △  태음성  소음
                                            인  Taeeunin-like  theory was to decrease Wood-  Earth with SP5 (+Fire), HT4  esophagus, which was forcing her
                                            Soeumin  Shape.   Water and increase Fire-Earth-  (+Fire), SP2 (-Water), and KD2  to sleep upright every evening.
                                            imageⓒwww .
                                        Metal elements. Using Saam  (-Water). Tonify Lung with  An example like this patient
                                                              technique, the treatment protocol  LU5 (+Earth), SP9 (+Earth),  is a typical pattern where the
                                   on bottom. Furthermore, the  is identical as that of Dowon  LR3 (-Wood), LU9 (-Wood).  Five-element in acupuncture
        By David Lee, L.Ac.
                                   sides of her abdomen curved  Kuan’s Eight Constitutions  Finally, sedate Water with KD10  has the same meaning as in
                                   outwards like a rounded vase.  Acupuncture. But Sasang  (+Earth), SP9 (+Earth), LR3  the Sasang herbal medicine.
        One theory that unifies  Dr. Jema Lee observed this  Acupuncture adds two additional  (-Wood), and KD3 (-Wood).  Previously, acupuncture
        acupuncture and herbal medicine  patient as a Soeumin but with  theories. One is that the middle  Acupuncture was arbitrarily  worked with meridian and
        is now a reality at the turn  a Taeeumin-like shape. The  element, which is Fire, is  chosen on her left body.  herbs with organ theories.
        of this 21st century. Korean  reason is that her secondary  deficient for this constitution.  Her diverticulosis with abdominal  It turns out the alternative
        Saam and Eight Constitutions  constitution is a Taeeumin,  So, Fire points and meridians  cramping and frequent loose  Five-element layout of the
        Acupuncture were instrumental  which is a dry constitutional  are stimulated. And the other  bowel movement were not  Transporting Shu points was
        in finally revealing the specific  type with large Liver and small  is that an alternative five-  relieved with a 10 day antibiotics  the key for unification.
        acupuncture points for the  Lung. Then her five-element  element sequence occurs in
        Sasang four constitutions.   layout is big Liver, big Water,  some individuals. For example,
        Let’s use a case study to illustrate  small Spleen, small Lung, and  LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10
        this reality. For 10 years, I  small Fire. Her Fire is small  are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal,       is available
        have treated this patient at  because she displays a tendency  and Water points, respectively.
        one or more visits per month.  toward fear and worry of small  This is called a Wood-Order   You can get more information regarding your
        Her primary constitution is a  things. Contrarily, a person  in Tetrasoma Acupuncture   practice and news at
        Sasang Soeumin, which is a  of no fear and high logic has  because the Jing-Well point is   • More practical information of various acupuncture skills
        cold constitutional type with  big Fire.              a Wood element. Alternatively,   and its principles.
        large Kidney and small Spleen.  A constitution with primary  30% of any population has   • More practical information of herbal formula and case
        Her torso shape is that of a  Soeumin and secondary  Five-element sequence of      studies.
        triangle from the acromial-  Taeeumin has same personality  LR3, HT4, SP9, LU11, and KD2,   • Study material for current acupuncture related studies,
        clavical of the shoulder to  as a Vesicotonia (수음체질) in  which are Wood, Fire, Earth,   articles, and research paper.
        anterior-superior iliac spine  Eight Constitutions Medicine,  Metal, and Water, respectively.   • More practical information regarding medical billing
                                                                                           and management.
        of pelvis. Her torso shape is  a Melancholic in Unani Greco-  In Tetrasoma, this alternative
                                                                                           • On-line communities for current issues.
        that of a ladder with narrower  Roman medicine, Kapha in  sequence is called Metal-Order
        shoulders on top and wider hips  Indian Ayurveda, and an ISFJ in  because the Jing-Well point is

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