Page 12 - Hani Times Apr. 2020
P. 12
12 Opinion April 1, 2020 Vol. 13 Hani Times
Uncertainty and Fuzzy Logic and Acupuncture
Acupuncturists Understand a Patient as Whole Living Creature with Soul
that treatment of a symptom acupuncture treatments are not
resolves other symptoms including limited to physical symptoms.
chief complaints. It cures physical pains as well
Acupuncture treatment could as psychological issues.
be understood as fuzzy by Modern society faces its limit.
conventional medicine. But People think we can replace
the fuzzy way of diagnosis or create the human body
has been developed through or the universe with modern
trial and error and cumulated technology, but this has not
experiences for the ultimate been always successful. There
result. Some compare a medical are consequences to such hubris
doctor as a mechanic and the and created side effects from
other considers an acupuncturist arrogancy.
as a gardener. Mechanics replace The recent worldwide spread
parts but gardeners tend to and of the Coronavirus is one of the
care for the trees and flower side effects of humans' believe
rather than digging them out. we believe that we can create
There are different approaches everything we need by using
△ Acupuncturists diagnose through observing conditions of facial color, tongue, pulse, and for treatment among an modern technology. Now is
questions to gather various aspects of information that are representing the current condition
of the patient. imageⓒshutterstock_Stock-Asso acupuncturist and a medical the time for applying Fuzzy
doctor. and Uncertainty theories to
Heisenberg and the uncertainty symptoms that the patient does Acupuncture will be needed the U.S. healthcare system to
principle states that the more not recognize. It is not a rare case more than ever because resolve issues.
precisely the position of some
particle is determined, the less
precisely its momentum can be I-Ching (易經) and the philosophy of Eastern
predicted from initial conditions, Organic Medicine
and vice versa.
Fuzzy logic is a form of many-
By David Park, Founder of valued logic in which the truth By Simon Kim, Professor,
South Baylo University values of variables may be any South Baylo University
real number between 0 and 1
We have reviewed differences and both inclusive. It is employed
similarities between conventional to handle the concept of partial In the introduction of this Eui, Ji, Sim, Sa, Ryo, Zi (Korean and Earth within me is the Qi
science, new science, and truth, where the truth value series of column, I asked style pronunciation: 意志心思 (天之在我者德也, 地之在我者氣
readers whether you believe 慮智) However, one missing 也: 靈樞 本神).
acupuncture theory. may range between completely
the existence of Qi or not. letter ‘Virtue (德)’ is located It is only to humans that the
Conventional scientific theories true and completely false. By
Through the last 11 articles in front of these 12 letters. heavens and the earth are
began with the premise, whether contrast, in Boolean logic, the
from May 2019 to March 2020, The reality of Qi depends on united together as one. The
we recognize it or not, that reality truth values of variables may I tried to persuade the so- the very virtue of Heaven same roots of I-Ching and Asian
exists. And the purpose of the only be the integer values called Qi Realism; organic and Earth. The Virtue of medicine (醫易同源) signifies
study should be a process to 0 or 1. The term fuzzy logic qi, life-laden jingqi as an Heaven and the beginning a very profound meaning. The
find the ultimate reality. was introduced with the 1965 ultimate entity of nature. of cosmos coincide. The first philosophical illumination
In order to comprehend the diagram of I-Ching, Geon (乾), of Eastern Organic medicine
Unlike conventional scientific proposal of the fuzzy set theory
phenomena of cosmic nature implies the creative virtue of based on the world view of the
theories, new scientific theories by Lotfi Zadeh. Fuzzy logic is
which contains matter, life, myriad things (大哉乾元 萬物 I-Ching will open a new field
claim there is no such ultimate based on the observation that and spirit, we need to accept 資始). The second diagram of of integrated medicine in the
reality. As much as we understand people make decisions based on the Pan-Experientialism ( I-Ching, Gon (坤), connotates 21st century. Because it assumes
and recognize is a boundary for imprecise and non-numerical 凡經驗主義). Because all the the begetting virtue of myriad the nature of healing organism,
precepting as reality. information. natural being including things (至哉坤元 萬物資生). The including life, emotion, mind,
homo sapiens experience I-Ching world view echoed in soul, and spirit, beyond the
Modern society is considered The theory of uncertainty and
great nature not just as a the philosophy of organism material view of physiology in
an age of uncertainty. This fuzzy theory could be applied
material entity. and the systems view in the Western medicine. The following
expression was from John or represented to acupuncture
This is not just my personal works of Fritjof Capra, and comments from Needham are
Kenneth Galbraith’s book, The theory. idea, but it has plenty of the deep ecology of Andrew suggestive and provocative
Age of Uncertainty. And the Conventional medicine treats philosophical references in McLaughlin. The disciple of for the future science and
phrase is widely used in many a symptom found through the classical cannons such as Thomas Berry, Bryan Swimme, medicine.
fields of study now. diagnosis. But acupuncture the I-Ching and the Hwangti brilliantly addressed this kind “The great triumph of early
Neijing. Gyesa of I-Ching (繫 of cosmology in his book of modern natural science was
In the scientific field, the theory requires examinations
辭傳) said that Jingqi produces ‘the universe story’. possible on the assumption
uncertainty principle and Fuzzy of a patient’s overall conditions
the myriad things (精氣爲物) Macro cosmos, the Heaven (天), of a mechanical universe, but
logic have been widely accepted by performing tongue diagnosis, and that begetting life is called connected to micro cosmos, the the time was to come when
to understand, explain, and pulse diagnosis and observation the principle of I (生生之謂易). Earth (地). Human being (人) the growth of knowledge
predict phenomena of modern of patient’s posture, facial color, The physiology of Eastern born to live between them. So, necessitated the adoption of
society which is filled with full etc. An acupuncturist should not Medicine could be interpreted man is equipped with the virtue a more organic philosophy no
via 12 letters of Bonshin of of Heaven and the Qi of Earth less naturalistic than atomic
of uncertainty. be focused on the symptom that
Hwangti Neijing: Qi, Life, Jing, (天德地氣). Therefore, Qibo (岐 materialism. (Joseph Needham,
The uncertainty principle was the patient complains about.
Shen, Hun, Po (Chinese style 伯) answered to Hwangti that Science and Civilisation in
introduced first in 1927, by the Acupuncturist tries to find the
pronunciation: 氣生精神魂魄), Heaven within me is Virtue China II, p. 505)
German physicist, Werner K root cause reason and related