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6        Constitutional Acupuncture                                                                     Sep 1, 2020  Vol. 18  Hani Times

                           Constitutional Acupuncture

                      What is Soeumin in Sasang Medicine?

             Body types are diagnosed and grouped by a person’s strongest and weakest organs

                                                                                                                     In average situations, Soeumin
                                                                    Jema Lee        SOEUMIN 1       SOEUMIN 2
                                                                                                                     2 are accurate, anticipating,
                                                                   Hippocrates        Phlegm          Black Bile     calculating, careful, cautious,
                                                                      Unani          Phlegmatic      Melancholic     collected response, consistent, cool
                                                                 Galen-Avicenna     cold and wet      Black Bile
                                                                                                                     demeanor, critical, data-gathering,
                                                                    Ayurveda           Vata            Kapha         deliberate, detail-oriented, diligent,
                                                                                                                     double-checking, exacting, fact-
                                                                   Social Styles      Amiable         Analytical
                                                                                                                     oriented, impersonal, industrious,
                                                                      DiSC            Steady        Conscientious
        △ There are four different body types in Korean Traditional                                                  keeping track, logical, mechanical,
        Medicine. Soeumin, one of four body type, is characterized   Myers-Briggs    ENFJ, INFJ,      ESFJ, ISFJ,    methodical, meticulous, objective,
        by weaker function of the spleen and stronger function of the                ENTJ, INTJ       ESTJ, ISTJ     orderly, organized, patient,
        kidneys. imageⓒDavid Lee.                                  Need Theory       Affiliation      Affiliation
                                                                                                                     persistent, precise, punctual, quiet,
                                   Sasang Medicine is built on the  Yin type has Excessive Metal   relationships, dependable,  reserved, serious, slow-paced,
        By David Lee L.Ac.         foundation of Yin and Yang and  and Deficient Wood. The other   diplomatic, does not interrupt,  supportive, systematic, task-

                                   Five Elements. Bigrams are the  is opposite with Deficient Metal   easy-going, friendly, good listener,  orientated, technical, thinking
        Constitutional medicine is respected   basic four body types, which  and Excessive Wood.  joint cooperation, loyal team  through, thorough, and willing to
        for its ability to heal, even difficult   includes the Lesser Yin.     Dr. Jema Lee in Korea was   player, patient, people-oriented,  listen.
        diseases. The biggest challenge   According to Dr. Jema Lee, founder  not unique in identifying the   pliable, polite, respectful, sensitive
        has been establishing the correct   of Sasang medicine, a Lesser Yin  constitutions. India, Europe,   to others’ feelings, sentimental,  In high tension situations, Soeumin
        diagnosis. Through the work of   has small Spleen and large Kidney.  and United States had also   slow-paced, supportive, trusting,  2 are impersonal approach,
        scholars of the world, we now have   He identified two types of Lesser   identified them. Beginning with   understanding, warm, and willing.  indecisive, lack of enthusiasm,
        many ways to identify the Soeumin   Yins. One was petite and the other  Hippocrates in 400 B.C. to the   In high tension situations,  overly analytical, overly detailed,
        constitution. The word Soeumin   with a larger frame, similar to that  20th century, many thinkers had   Soeumin 1 can be acquiescing,  overly objective, picky, serious,
        means Lesser Yin in Korean. “So”   of a Greater Yin. Both the Lesser  identified the constitutions in   avoiding open disagreement,  stiff, stuffy, unresponsive, and
        is Lesser, “Eum” is Yin, and “In” is   Yin types have Excessive Water   their variant characteristics.  conforming, dependent,  unwilling to take risks.
        Person. Korean Four Constitutions   and Deficient Earth. But one Lesser          lacking initiative for action, not
                                                              They  all  have  underlying   opinionated, overly reliant on  There is no more confusion in
                                                              commonalities as follows:   relationships, overly subjective,  making a correct constitutional
                                                              Soeumin 1 Types are physically   passive, soft-hearted, submissive,  diagnosis. Now with many
                                                              thin, light frame and excellent   too considerate of others,  diagnostic tools using
                                                              in agility. The energy comes in   unassertive, and unsure.  psychological, physiological,
                       SOEUMIN 1             SOEUMIN 2        bursts and they get fatigued easily,   Soeumin 2 types are physically  and physical characteristics, the
                   (Lesser Yin & Greater Yang)  (Lesser Yin & Greater Yin)
                                                              requiring frequent rests. They get   strong build and have excellent  practitioner can correctly match
          Wood          Deficient             Excessive
                                                              chilled easily. Hands and feet can   stamina. Their movements are  the acupuncture, herbal, and
           Fire         Deficient              Deficient      get cold easily. They sleep light and   slow and deliberate. Large, soft  diet treatments. Furthermore,
          Earth         Deficient              Deficient      their digestion can be sensitive.   eyes. Smooth and thick hair.  the practitioner can identify the
                                                              In an average situations,   Although muscular, much of  two Lesser Yin types to address
          Metal         Excessive              Deficient
                                                              Soeumin 1 are accommodating,   the weight fluctuation is from  the secondary constitutions of
          Water         Excessive             Excessive
                                                              agreeable, congenial, cooperative   fluid retention.   Greater Yang and Greater Yin.

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                                * 특징:                                                    (3) 전신통, 요통, 관절                    (1) 변비, 숙변, 장청소
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                                (2) 면역, 항균에 강력한 작용                                       (5) 근육강화, 피부미용
                                (3) 사용이 아주 간편합니다.                                                                           *특징: 2일프로그램
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