Page 8 - Acupuncture Times Sep. 2020
P. 8
8 Herbal Medicine Sep 1, 2020 Vol. 18 Hani Times
How to Treat Hangover with Herbal Medicine
I researched the most popular ingredient is Hovenia Dulcis. Here is the recommendable
and prominent hangover Not all parts of the herbs formula for this. The name
drinks in Korea. The first one are working. Not the stem is Galhwahaesung-tang (葛
is 'Dawn 808'. It's the most and trunk, but the seed of 花解醒湯) which is listed on
famous hangover drink in it - Zhi Ju Zi - is an active Dongui Bogam(by Jun Heo
Korea. The formula is made ingredient. The seed of Zhi in 1613).
with Chi Yang, Da Zao, Sheng Ju Zi can treat the thirst and
Jiang, Hua Qiu, Gan Cao, Ge heat at the heart and spleen. Bai Dou Kou, Sha Ren, Ge
Hua, Ge Gen, Sha Ren, Feng So when somebody has drunk Hua 20g
Mi. Gen Hua and Ge Gen are a lot of alcoholic beverages Qing Pi 12g Shen Qu Ze Xie
the essential ingredients. in a short period, then the Gan Jiang Bai Zhu 8g
Ge Hua is the flower of heat has been accumulated Chen Pi Ren Shen Zhu Ling
Kudzuvine. When the liver in the body. The seed will Fu Ling 6g
△ There are herbal formulas for treating acute hangover processes alcohol, it inevitably neutralize the heat, and the Mu Xiang 2g
symptoms, and the same formula can be used to decrease produces acetaldehyde. body can restore the balance On the contrary, some patients
alcohol dependency. imageⓒshutterstock_fotohunter.
Acetaldehyde, produced by quickly. Hovenia Dulcis want to stop drinking due to
the breakdown of alcohol, is become famous in Korea, and concern about their health.
In comparison, Koreans love one of the critical chemical many manufacturers have This formula is able to help
By Winston Lee
to take bean sprouts soup and substances that cause acute produced light concentrated them to stop drinking. Many
L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
dried pollock soup. Korean hangover symptoms. Ge Hua drinks for everyday life OMDs have utilized this
people have invented many can eliminate acetaldehyde like an ice tea or green formula in Korea, and they
One of my favorite movies hangover foods and have been efficiently in the human body. tea drink. report that patients' taste of
is 'Hangover' in 2009. It's a enjoying those whenever Ge Gen is Kudzuvine itself, alcohol has been changed
hilarious comedy movie and they have hangovers. Upon and it can chill the congested Some people want to take to be bad, and the desire of
covers hilarious happenings these long term experiences heat at the upper body and herbal medicine to keep drinking has been decreased
and accidents during blackout and scientific evidence, neck from alcohol, which has drinking alcohol even though significantly. This is also
time after heavy drinking many food manufacturers lots of calories and is easily they know it's not good for derived and modified from
with a drug in Las Vegas. have launched numerous converted to heat. Also, Ge their health. They need to Daekumeumja (對金飮子) in
hangover drinks on the Gen helps cooling down drink anyway for business Dongui Bogam.
In America, the traditional market. Now anybody can the accumulated heat in reasons mostly. Following
hangover foods to recover from easily find these healthy the spleen and stomach. their need, OMD prescribes He Shou Wu, Qing Pi 20g
fatigue, nausea, and headache functional drinks in the the herbal medicine for them Chen Pi, Ge Gen 12g
are pizza, hamburgers, and fridges in any convenience Another mega-hit hangover to overcome the hangover Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Gan Cao,
eggs. I'm not sure if it works. store in Korea. drink is 'Condition.' Its primary and fatigue after drinking. Fu Ling, Sha Ren, Shen Qu 4g
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