Page 5 - Acupuncture Times October 2020
P. 5

        Oct 1, 2020  Vol. 19  Hani Times                                                                            Acupuncture

                            Constitutional Acupuncture

               Soyangin Temperament in Sasang Medicine

                           Body types were already discovered by the world since antiquity.

                                                              is in the upper and Yin in is   unguarded and revealing.   confident and tend not to be
                                                              the lower position.         In Unani Tibb, a Sanguine is  particularly assertive or forceful.
                                                                                          Soyangin. Unani describes
                                                              A Soyangin has large Spleen   a  Sanguine  as  having  an  According to Myers-Briggs
                                                              and  small  Kidney  organs.   optimistic positive mental  Type Indicator of 16 types,
                                                              For treatment, Dr. Jema Lee   outlook. They are persuasive  there are 6 types that are
                                                              prescribed herbs and foods   extroverts and have good  Soyangin. They are ENFP,
                                                              to make Spleen smaller and   social  skills.  They  have  INFP. ENTP, INTP, ESFP and
        △ imageⓒ                                 Kidney larger.  Today, we   romantic  nature  and  are  ISFP. The commonality is a
                                                              find that the constitutions   confident, poised, graceful and  Perceiving function, which is
                                                              discovered  in  Korea  were   enthusiastic. They like to travel,  open to different possibilities
                                   challenge has been establishing
         By David Lee L.Ac.                                   not unique to Asians. India,   to play games and distractions.  and do not mind spontaneous
                                   the  correct  constitutional
                                                              Europe, and United States also                         changes, whereas the opposite
                                   diagnosis. Through the work of
                                                              had identified the same types.   In Ayurveda, a Pitta type is  Judging  function  is  more
        Doctor Jema Lee, a Korean  scholars of the world, we now
                                                              Beginning with Hippocrates   Soyangin. They are generally  comfortable with repetition
        physician  and  founder  of  have many ways to identify
                                                              in 400 B.C. down to the 20th   creative and often impulsive.  of the same. You can look
        Sasang  herbal  medicine  the Soyangin constitution. The
                                                              century, many scholars had   They are go-getters driven by  up  their  descriptions  on
        in  1893,  is  respected  for  word Soyangin means Lesser
                                                              identified the four constitutions   intensity and passion. They are
        identifying the constitutions  Yang person in Korean. “So” is
                                                              in their variant characteristics.  small to medium in stature and  In Need Motivation Theory,
        and improving upon herbal  Lesser, “Yang” is Yang, and “In”
                                                                                          usually quite agile.       a Need for Achievement is a
        formulas  to  better  treat  is Person. This Lesser Yang
                                                              My observation of Soyangins                            Soyangin. They prefer prefer
        diseases. Sasang means four  person is the same as that of
                                                              are  big  dreamers,  often   According to Social Styles, an  work in which the results are
        constitutions in Korean. The  the ancient bigram where Yang
                                                              idealistic. They see the big   Expressive is Soyangin. They  based on their effort rather
                                                              picture with possibilities of   are faster-paced, make effort to  than on anything else and
                                                              a  positive  outcome.  Their   involve, show less concern for  prefer to receive feedback
                                                              excitement is observable by   routine, work in the future time  on their work. Achievement
                                                              a rapid speech, exaggerated   frame, tend to act impulsively,  based individuals tend to avoid
                                                              gestures, rapid eye movements,   and tends to avoid isolation.  both high-risk and low-risk

               Jema Lee                 SOYANGIN              intense emotion, ability to   According to DiSC, “I” is a  situations. Low-risk situations
              Hippocrates                  Blood              change subjects quickly, skilled   Soyangin.  They  thrive  on  are seen as too easy to be valid
              Unani Tibb                  Sanguine            interpersonal interaction, fast-  the attention and approval  and the high-risk situations are
            Galen-Avicenna               hot and wet          paced gait, and desire to share   of other people, and they're  seen as based more on the luck
               Ayurveda                     Pitta             personal stories. Because they   more motivated by praise and  of the situation rather than the
                Dosha                     Pitta-Vata
                                                              are not willing to stay with   appreciation than most other  achievements that individual
              Social Styles               Expressive          the status quo, their mind is   types. Despite their outgoing  made. This personality type is
                 DiSC                     Influencing         in a frequent position to make   attitude, they're often unwilling  motivated by accomplishment
             Myers-Briggs                ENFP, INFP,          adjustments. They openly    to risk causing offense, and  in  the  workplace  and  an
                                         ESFP, ISFP
                                                              communicate their feelings and   they'll often avoid possible  employment hierarchy with
              Need Theory                Achievement          thought processes, which seem   confrontations. They are socially  promotional positions.

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