Page 10 - Acupuncture Times April 2022
P. 10
10 Hot Issue Apr 1, 2022 Vol. 37 Hani Times
Herbs Need Attention for Using In a Herbal Formula
There are many controlled or banned herbs that
acupuncturists have frequently used.
By Namwook Cho L.Ac.
Bing Lang and Da Fu pi Aristolochia contorta), the condition that the
are classified because they Qing Mu Xiang(靑木香, specimen was legally
contain carcinogenic and Aristolochia debilis Siebold obtained and imported
addictive substances. Ji et Zuccarini), and Xi Xin(細 legally.
Nei Jin does not contain ⾟, Asarum sieboldii Miq.) The list of herbs and
toxic substances, but it a r e h e r b s c o n t a i n i n g substances in Appendix
is considered a potential aristolochic acid and I are: Bao Gu(Panther or
source of an avian flu considered to be dangerous Leopard's bone and any
virus. and increasing ANN. other parts of them), Dai
There are herbs regarded Xi Xin(細辛, Asiasari Radix Mao(Hawksbill turtle
as improper to use, such as et Rhizoma)is often used shell), Hou Zao(Rhesus
Can Sha, Wu Ling Zhi, Ye to treat common cold monkey bile stone),
Ming Sha, and Zi He Che. symptoms in the formulas Hu Gu(Tiger bone and
Can Sha, Wu Ling Zhi, Ye of Jiuweiqianghuo-tang(九 a n y o t h e r p a r t s ) , M u
Ming Sha be feces of either 味羌活湯), Xiaoqinglong- Xiang(木香, saussurea
△ Bing Lang is used in the herbal formula, Fenxinqi-yin(分 animals or insects. Zi He tang(小靑龍湯), and costus), She Xiang(麝香,
心氣飮) that is frequently used, but it is banned herb due to
its toxicity. imageⓒshutterstock_Swapan Photography. Che is a human product. Duhuojisheng-tang(獨 Moschus), Shi Hu(wild
Wuling-san(五苓散) use 活奇生湯). All three species only, artificially
(→ Continued page 1) S o m e h e r b s a r e Wu Ling Zhi as a key formulas have a variety of propagated hybrids are
Mahuang-tang(麻黃 controlled by various herb to make the formula. indications for not just for exempted), Ta Gan(Otter's
湯), Gegen-tang(葛根湯), government agencies Therefore, if you want to treating cold symptoms. liver), Xi Niu Jiao(Rhino
Xiaoqinglong-tang(小靑 such as the FDA, Food use the formula, you should It could be applied to horn), and Xiong
龍湯) are frequently used & Drug Administration consider that herbs are not taking care of muscular Dan(Vesica Fellea Ursi).
in any acupuncturists to on a different level of allowed to use it. pains and pains and joint Especially, Mu Xiang(木
reduce the symptoms from restriction. Aristolochic acid is a deformations due to 香, Aucklandiae Radix)
the common cold, muscular Due to its toxicity, the substance that causes arthritis. has been commonly used
pain on the trapezoid most important herbs to aristolochic acid Appendix I of CITES in formulas, for example,
muscle in general. But be handled with care are nephropathy, ANN. Herbs controls herbs to protect Xiangshapingwei-san(香
c omm on ly co nt ai ns Ban Mao, Bing Lang, Chan that contain aristolochic the species for which 砂平胃散), Guipi-tang(歸脾
Mahunag. The formulas are Su, Da Fu Pi, Ji Nei Jin, Ma acid are prohibited for no commercial trade is 湯), and Xiangshaliujunzi-
famous to an acupuncturist, Qian Zi, and Ying Su Ke. using as herbal medicine allowed to protect them tang(香砂六君子湯).
and most acupuncturists Bing Lang and Da Fu Pi are in the US. Guang Fang f r om e xt i n c ti o n . A n d List of herbs in the article
are cautious as they need used in the herbal formula, Ji(廣防己, Southern Appendix II is for the referred to "Sustainability
to use the formula. Fenxinqi-yin(分心氣飮), Fangchi), Guan Mu threatened species but Issues of Traditional
But what if we do not know which treats Qi stagnation. Tong(關木通, Aristolochiae for which limited trade Chinese Herbal Medicine"
which herbs are banned or Ji Nei Jin is frequently Manshuriensis Caulis), is allowed. An export by Skye Sturgeon, MSOM,
restricted for use in the US. used to help digestion. Ma Dou Ling(馬兜鈴, permit is issued under DAOM.
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