Page 12 - Acupuncture Times October 2020
P. 12
12 Opinion Oct 1, 2020 Vol. 19 Hani Times
Acupuncture Treatment is Basic of Performing Asian Medicine.
Acupuncture treatment is an alternative medicine for everybody because it is affordable but
remarkable in treatment effects.
needles are designed to stimulate thought acupuncture treatment license for acupuncture and
specific acupuncture points to was accepted by major health herbal medicine. The states
treat a symptom by enhanced insurance companies and even issuing separate licenses
Qi and blood circulation. the federal government. I believe for acupuncture and herbal
that acupuncture will be more medicine do not understand
Another benefit of acupuncture is accepted in the US than now Asian medicine properly.
easy to learn and to reach a basic in the future.
level of acupuncture treatment. I have the other concerns for
Even basic acupuncture I have concerned that Asian medicine. In the US, herbal
techniques could be performed acupuncture and herbal medicine is not considered as a
by people who have not been medicine have been seemed form of medicine. It is considered
trained professionally. As we to be separated in licensing as food. There is not enough
△ Acupuncture treatment is an affordable option for patients. can easily see that the first and and education in schools. .In scientific evidence to support
사진ⓒAdobeStock_vkph second year of an acupuncture Asian medicine, acupuncture the pharmaceutical benefits
school student can treat simple and herbal medicine cannot be of herbal medicine in the US.
of medicine in the US. Also, symptoms, and conventional separated. Each modality helps In contrast, herbal medicines
in China and Japan developed medical doctors who do not its strong and weak points. In have been controlled by the
their own traditional medicine understand Asian philosophy general, acupuncture works government as medicine in
using acupuncture and herbal are using acupuncture to treat faster for acute symptoms. Korea, China, and Japan.
medicine. If I have a chance, I their patients. Herbal medicine treats chronic
will discuss the difference and symptoms efficiently than acute I have a new goal to educate
similarities among traditional Acupuncture treatment has symptoms. Asian medicine appropriately.
medicines in Korea, China, and been considered alternative Even in California, the My first goal was to introduce
Japan later. medicine that helps chronic acupuncture license allows Asian medicine to Americans. It
By David Park, Founder,
symptoms and side effects practicing acupuncture seems successful so far. I will
South Baylo University
The most significant difference of conventional medicine. treatment and prescribing do my best for the education
between Western and Asian It could be understood that herbal medicine but lecture of herbal medicine along with
Acupuncture treatment means medicine is the way to acupuncture treatment has hours for acupuncture are a acupuncture treatment. I would
treatment sessions through understand the pathology and been recommended to replace lot more than the education like to see more Americans have
acupuncture needle and herbal physiology of the human body. prescribing opioids at hospitals of herbs. But other states in benefited from acupuncture
medicines. In America, most throughout the US. Even twenty the US using NCCAOM as a treatment and herbal medicine
people understand acupuncture as Asian medicine understands years ago, no one possible licensing test issue separate altogether.
a needling technique. In Korean, and treats a patient as a whole
in comparison, the majority of body. It means a human’s body,
people understand acupuncture mind, spirit, and emotions are Body and soul can be categorized by the
treatment is treatment by herbal in quest for optimal health and
medicines. wellness. Therefore, body, mind, concept of societies in the philosophy of
spirit, and emotions cannot be organism Ⅱ
Decades earlier, acupuncture separated and treated. If one
treatment was more prevalent part is not working correctly,
in Korea, but recent trends have all the other parts will be describe one of the dominant is nested within a relatively
been changed to weigh more affected. By Simon Kim, L.Ac., characteristics of Whitehead’s friendly environment. With
on prescribing herbal medicine Korea Han Spirit Institute philosophy of organism. (Olav this environment, it forms a
Bryant Smith, « The Social society. (ibid)
than practicing acupuncture Asian medicine also understands
Self of Whitehead’s Organic Therefore, the worldview of the
treatment. As I recall my that the human body represents Some Yinyang Wuxing nexus Philosophy », European Journal two philosophies, Qi philosophy
childhood, every small village the whole universe, and all parts display “social order” due of Pragmatism and American and the philosophy of organism,
had at least one acupuncturist, of the body interact and affect to shared characteristics Philosophy [Online], II-1 | has to be naturally connected
and acupuncturists took care the other part. Therefore, to mutually prehended. This 2010, Online since 01 July 2010) with ecology. Imagine your
mutual prehension of shared A rock is nothing else than a existence as matters, cells,
of minor symptoms such as improve and enhance health
characteristics promotes intensity society of molecules, indulging tissues, organs, soul, and spirit
sprain and strain, burn, even and wellness, treatment should
in the nexus. in every species of activity open in every phases of organic/ qi
removing furuncles. And most be focused on enhancing the Whitehead called these nexus to molecules. This lowly form societies. They are some kind
married Korean women used a homeostasis of the whole body. with social order societies and of society lasts billions of years. of societies themselves. Similar
traditional hairpin to tight their described four major kinds Human beings are a particularly world view produces similar
hair. The end of the hairpin was Acupuncture treatment of society: enduring objects, complex society that is an concepts as below:
sharp enough to draw blood represents Asian medicine. There corpuscular societies, structured example of a living society. Philosophy of Eastern medicine:
societies, and living societies. The human body has adjusted Union of Heaven and Earth, Qi,
and used to perform emergency are also moxabustion, cupping,
Given this nesting of societies, over time to changes in the Yinyang, Wuxing, Myriad things
treatment for symptoms like and scratching techniques,
one within the other, in environment, allowing a Philosophy of Organism: Pan-
acute indigestion or stroke. but acupuncture makes Asian Whitehead’s view of the world, dominant, personally ordered, experientialism, Actual Entity,
medicine distinctive. one could say that the universe enduring object, which we Actual Occasion, Nexus, Society
Back then, in Korea, acupuncture is a vast network of experiential could refer to as the self, to In order to integrate these two
treatment was for ordinary people Conventional medicine also entities in relationship with emerge. The self is nested philosophies, Eastern medicine
one another. Hence the term within a relatively friendly and organic philosophy, we can
who could not afford pricy herbal uses needles to inject medicine
panexperientialism (凡經驗 environment. With the body, prepare the new publication of
medicine. The affordability of into the human body. But
主義) has also been used to it forms a society. The body the Journal of Qi Society.
acupuncture treatment is still acupuncture needles are not
accepted as one of the benefits for injection. Acupuncture