Page 14 - Acupuncture Times January 2021
P. 14
14 Acupuncture Jan 1, 2021 Vol. 22 Hani Times
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (21)
Lesser Number of Needle Insertion Leads to
Better Treatment Effect
How to Apply an Acupuncture Point that Works as an Axis of Energy Flow (AEF)
meridian for the upper As you adding needles to
and lower body. It can be the pain location to expel a
easily determined that a pathogen, make sure each
pathogen's location is on the needle is on the heaven,
Foot Less Yang Gall Bladder. earth, and human channel.
Hand Less Yang Triple If you place a needle on
Burner shares the same each of the three channels,
energy as Foot Less Yang enhance a process to
Gall Bladder. Therefore, eliminate a pathogen.
TE4 could substitute the Imagine you put your spoon
function of GB40 as AEF. on your hot pot. Three
There is a thing you always spoons cool your pot a lot
remember. The acupuncture faster than putting a spoon.
technique using AEF But too much is as bad as
requires that the amount of too little. Some might think
△Inserting three needles on a pain located and add an acupuncture point, which acts as stimulation by acupuncture more needles on the pain
an AEF. This technique will give you a faster and more effective pain-relieving sensation to needle insertion should be point could help reducing
your patients. ImageⓒAdobeStock_Bordin.
greater than when a patient pain faster. Unfortunately,
complains. To generate it is not valid. More than
healthy. We also need to therapy. Guess a patient enough stimulation through three needles insertion on
By Brandon SJ Oh L.Ac. treat patients with less with Essential Qi deficiency the technique, you have to the pain location easily
energy or those who have and also hurt his or her rotate needles placed on the attracts more than enough
Essential Qi deficiency. ankle on a GB40. And you pain area until it stops the amount of Essential Qi to
It works if you insert a Treatment for two different like to use AEF to reduce needles' rotation. Once you the needles. It weakens the
needle on the location of the groups should be different. pain and swollenness. The feel resistance that does not AEF point function, which
pain. But if you first insert a needle on the other side of allow you more rotation, you is holding and controlling
needle on the acupuncture First, I will explain a GB40 will serve as a strong can briefly stop and rotate a the amount of Essential Qi
point that expels pathogen case with a full or normal stimulator to bring most little more for creating pain flow to the painful body
and preserves the Essential amount of Essential Qi with of the Qi from the upper for the patient. parts. Also, the depth of a
Qi treatment effect, it will musculoskeletal pain. body to the lower body. needle insertion should be
be more effective. The point If you want to reduce pain The sudden Qi descending The same rotation of needle inserted as deep as to the
is located on the same level caused by a sprain/strain after insertion of the needle could be used for treating facia. Each needle tip is
as where the pain detected on the ankle and the most will cause dizziness or light a patient with paralysis supposed to touch the facia
and could expel pathogen painful area is on GB40, headache. To prevent advert to restore normal muscle for a stronger treatment
and preserve Essential Qi insert a needle on the other reaction for patients with Qi contraction or movements. effect.
is called an Axis of Energy side of GB40, which is the deficiency, there will be two
Flow (AEF). opposite side of the painful ways for treating sprain/
For example, if a patient area as AEF. The AEF act to strain with the application
complains of left elbow pain prevent to flow of Essential of AEF.
near LI11, use LI11 on the Qi to the painful part of the
right first, and LI11 on the boy. For this case, you use GB34
right side works as an AEF, as AEF for treating pain 한의타임즈 제작진
and as soon as the AEF is Then, insert other needles on a GB40 instead of using -총괄 및 한국어판 편집장: 진희정
used, the patient's body on the pain area to the other GB40. A reason -영어판 편집장: 조남욱
starts the treatment. eliminate the pathogen for substitute GB40 is to -디자이너: 미셸장
on the pain point. The prevent an advert reaction. -OC배포: 박형호
If you want to make your procedure prevents the GB34 is a Coordinating -한국어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 홍순호 교수,
treatment more useful, you possibility of transforming balance of Qi flow and are 김용훈 원장, 홍대선 원장, 조현창 원장
can add more needles after Essential Qi to pathogen on the same meridian of -영어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 오세준 원장,
inserting AEF. and localizing a pathogen the Gall Bladder. Once a 이우경 원장, 사이먼 김 교수, 데이비드 리 원장
I experienced that only elimination process through practitioner inserts a needle
taking an AEF resolves acupuncture treatment on on a GB34, the opposite Acupuncture Times
more of my patient's pain, the pain point. side of painful the GB40, -General & Korean Edition, Editor in Chief:
but it will be required to then next needles could be Heejeong Jin
insert needles on where the Now, this is a treatment of placed on where the patient -English Edition, Editor in Chief: Namwook Cho
pain is located to eliminate a patient with Essential Qi feels pain. That is one way -Design: Michelle Chang
-O.C. Publisher: Hyungho Park
pathogens on the pain area. deficiency. If you do not of using AEF for Essential
-Column(Korean): Soon Ho Hong, Daesun Hong,
There are two possibilities follow precautions, you will Qi deficiency patients.
Jubong Kang, Yong Hoon Kim, Hyun Chang Cho
for applying to AEF. One have a higher chance of
-Column(English): Jubong Kang,
is we are dealing with a causing vasovagal responses The next way is using
Brandon SJ Oh, Winston Lee, Simon Kim, David Lee
patient with strong and associated with acupuncture theory for the same-named