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6        Acupuncture                                                                                    Jan 1, 2022  Vol. 34  Hani Times

                            Constitutional Acupuncture
              Sasang and David McClelland’s 3 Need Types

                  With a Need Theory, acupuncturists can diagnose the Sasang constitutions.

                                                                                                                             By David Lee, L.Ac.

                                                              Soyangins have an  They  are  motivated  by  social interactions like
                                                              Achievement-Need. They  acceptance, friendship,  customer service or client
                                                              are motivated to win, to  and cooperation. They are  interaction positions.
                                                              receive credit, and must be  a great teamwork.
                                                              on top. They are motivated  They are essentially
                                                              to do better for the sake  motivated by social
                                                              of doing so. They hope to  connections. They are
                                                              exceed expectations and are  primarily motivated to fit
                                                              pleased when they surpass  in and please others, and
                                                              their peers. These individuals  value their relationships  The three Needs should
                                                              like challenges and want to  with their peers. They  be distinguished
                                                              oversee their success.      appreciate familiar  by observing one’s
                                                              The do not like working in  situations and are unlikely  overall life history, not
                                                              groups because they do not  to leave their work  by a pattern within
        △ image©DavidLee
                                                              like having limited control  location. They also do not  specific situations. In a
                                                              over the outcome. Instead,  like working alone and  population, about 25%
        Da vid  M cCl ell an d,  a   Although everyone  has  they prefer to do work  try to avoid disappointing  is Power-Need, 25%
        H ar v ar d   Un i ve r si ty   a combination of Power,  where the results are clear  th ei r  co wo rk e rs  an d  Achievement-Need,
        professor, had identified   Achievement, and Affiliation,  and visible. They like to see  managers at all costs.  and 50% is Affiliation-
        Jema Lee’s four Sasang     one stands  out as  the  results based on their own  People who have a need  Need. In Power-
        constitutions. McClelland   individual’s primary driver.     efforts so that they can get  f or   a ff i li a ti o n  p r ef e r  Need, about 70% are
        had independently verified                            feedback on their work.     to spend time creating  males and 30% are
        the body types in humans                                                          and maintaining social  females. Furthermore,
        regardless of race, culture,                                                      relationships, enjoy  in Achievement-Need,
        and nationality. For 30                                                           being a part of groups,  about 70% are males and
        years from 1956, he taught                                                        and have a desire to  30% are females. Lastly,
        and  researched  on  the                                                          feel  loved  and  accepted.  i n  A ff i li a ti o n -N ee d ,
        three basic needs of Power,                                                       People in this group tend  about 70% are females
        Achievement, and Affiliation                                                      to adhere to the norms  and 30% are males.
        which motivated a person                                                          of the culture in that  Sasang had restructured
        to think and act. His book                                                        workplace and typically  East Asian diet and
        The Achieving Society in                                                          do not change the norms  herbal medicine to fit
        1961 investigated these                                                           of the workplace for  the constitutions. The
        three types with testing                              Soeumins have an  fear of rejection. They  West had systematically
        instruments and data. He                              Affiliation-Need. There  favor collaboration over  verified the personality
        found 86% of population had                           are  two  Soeumins,  which  competition and do not  types as the diagnosis
        these primary drivers. He                             have a secondary type  like situations with high  for Sasang medicine. The
        is the 15th most recognized   Taeeumins have a Power-  either as a Greater  uncertainty. They  work  West has met the East.
        psychologist in the world.    Need. They are motivated  Yang or Greater Yin.  well in areas based on  And they are unified.
        With a Need Theory,        to influence and take
        acupuncturists can diagnose   control. They place a high
        the Sasang constitutions.   value on discipline and         Where you can pick your Acupuncture Times.
        Power-Need is a            winning arguments. They
        Taeeumin, Achievement-     delegate responsibility by                     (한의타임즈 배포처)
        Need is a Soyangin, and    demanding loyalty, harmony,
        Affiliation-Need is a      and agreement. In this         한의타임즈 구독을 원하시는 분들은  ▲ Orange County
        Soeumin. A Taeyangin is    environment of teamwork,       e-메일을 보내주십시오.
        an  extreme  character  of   they assess the situation    If you would like to receive a newspaper,   아큐디포(Acudepot), 백산녹용건재(Baeksan
        an Achievement-Need.       and make decisions for the                                          Trading Inc.), 자연한방(Jayeon Hanbang),
                                                                  please contact us at any time. (E.
        These psychological Need   group. They are driven to                                           한의마트(Miracle Acupuncture), 삼희건재
        types parallel Jema Lee’s   achieve fame, recognition,                                         (SND Herb by Sam Hee), 사우스베일로
        characteristics in his     and wealth.                    ▲Korea Town, Los Angeles             (South Baylo University) Anaheim
        book Longevity and Life
        Preservation, published in                                                                     ▲ Other Areas
                                                                  AAAMA(아마), 한의사랑(Aculover), 가
        1894. And they are confirmed
                                                                  주한의사협회(AKAMAC), 제일건재(Best
        as Sasang constitutions                                                                        -가주 지역 및 CCAOM 소속 한의대 모두
                                                                  Deer Antlers Trading Co.), 할빈건재
        through benefit from                                                                           (Emperor's College/ Five Branch University
                                                                  (China Harbin Deer Antlers Trading
        Sasang herbal medicine                                                                         San Jose/ Five Branch University Santa Cruze/
                                                                  Co.), 동국대(Dongguk University) LA,
        and existence of allergy/                                                                      Nine Star University/ Pacific College/ Yo
                                                                  한미건재(Hanmi Herbs), 재미한의사협회
        intolerance to foods.                                                                          San University/ Member Schools of CCAOM)
                                                                  (KAAMA), KM 서플라이(Supplies), 사우
        We all have more or less of
                                                                  스베일로(South Baylo University LA),     -NY/NJ: 운경한의원(Asian Holistic Center;
        the three motives. But there
                                                                  미주녹용(U. S. Deer Antlers Expo. &  3830 150ST. FLUSHING, NY 11354)
        is a bar that delineates one
                                                                  Impo. Co.)                           -VA: 버지니아 한의대(Virginia University of OM)
        temperament from another.
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