Page 8 - 한의타임즈 2022년 1월호
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8        광고                                                                                             Jan 1, 2022  Vol. 34  Hani Times
                 Herbal Medicine

             Finding A Guiding Herb Makes Easier to Find the Most Efficient Formula ⑥ Shao Yao

        Shao Yao Formulas Treat Symptoms on the Flexor Muscles Hypertonicity

                             Shao Yao Could Help Bloating, Stomach Pain and Loss Stools

                                                                                             By Hyunchang Cho, L.Ac., Ph.D (

                                                                                                                     are binding signs, meaning positive
          ★ Shao Yao                             ③ Abdominal gas leading to bloat-                                   Shao Yao muscle signs usually lead to
          Symptom Indicator Score++              ing and fullness
          Frequency of Use++                     ④ Stomach pain                                                      selecting Shao Yao formulas. We can
                                                 ⑤ Loose or thin stools                                              still select Shao Yao formulas without
          Main symptoms                                                                                              positive Shao Yao muscle signs.
          ① Hypertonicity (extreme tension) of   Muscle Test (w/ palpitation diagnosis)                              The target area of Shao Yao seems
          Shao Yao muscles (mostly flexor muscles)  ⑥ Stiffness and tenderness of bra-                               to be the stomach. This is why Shao
          ② Pulling, cramping, twisting, and stiff-  chial biceps and iliopsoas muscles,                             Yao formulas can treat stomach
          ness due to hypertonicity of brachial   along with small lumps scattered                                   disorders. For the same reason, with
          biceps, iliopsoas, medial muscles of   around rectus abdominis, painful upon                               Shao Yao formulas, chest discomfort
          the thigh, hamstrings, gastrocnemius   touch. If Shao Yao signs are positive,                              such as heart palpitations and chest
          (medial part), and such are common.    we usually select Shao Yao formulas.                                fullness are mild or absent. But there
                                                 We can still select Shao Yao formulas    △  Shao  Yao.  imageⓒ      are exceptions such as Gui Zhi Jia
          Possible Symptoms                      without positive Shao Yao signs.         shutterstock_marilyn barbone  Hou Po Xing Zi Tang, Huang Lian

                                                                                          Da Zao formulas. We can select Da  E Jiao Tang, Dang Gui Si Ni Jia Wu
        1. Pharmacological Hypothesis of Shao Yao                                         Zao formulas without positive Da Zao  Zhu Yu Sheng Jiang Tang, Da Chai
        2. Clinical Signs of Shao Yao                                                     muscle signs. On the other hand, with  Hu Tang, Zhen Wu Tang, Fu Zi Tang,
                                                                                          Shao Yao Pattern, hypertonicity and  and such. Shao Yao is also rarely used
                                                                                          tenderness in the red muscles of the  for patients with shortness of breath.
          Da Zao vs. Shao Yao                            신근 伸筋
                             굴근 屈筋                                                        biceps, iliopsoas, and rectus abdominis  But Gui Zhi Jia Hou Po Xing Zi Tang
                                                    상완삼두근                                 are common. Shao Yao muscles signs  is an exception.
                                    상완이두근           上腕三頭筋        ▶
                                    上腕二頭筋                                                 (1) Main Symptoms

                                                    복사근                                    Hypertonicity (extreme tension) of Shao Yao
                                        장요근         腹斜筋                                    muscles (mostly flexor muscles)
                                        腸腰筋                                                Pulling, cramping, twisting, and stiffness
                       ▶                                               腰椎起立筋               due to hypertonicity of brachial biceps, il-
                                                                                           iopsoas, medial muscles of the thigh, ham-
            복직근          ▶                                                햄스트링             strings, gastrocnemius (medial part), and
            腹直筋                                                  ▶      Hamstring          such are common.

                                    대퇴내측근                  ▶   ▶     내측비복근                In clinical practice, hypertonicity  can manifest as muscle pains and
                          ▶         大腿內側筋
                                                                     內側腓腹筋                of Shao Yao muscles can appear  discomfort such as contracture of
            내측비복근                                                                         in virtually all muscles in our body,  the limbs, stiff neck, and pains in
            內側腓腹筋                                                                         but it is most common in Shao  the shoulder, low back, stomach,
                                                                                          Yao muscles such as biceps, rectus  hamstrings, and calf cramps.
            Shao  Yao  muscles  are  mostly  flexor   Da Zao muscles are usually extensor   abdominis, iliopsoas, medial muscles  Hypertonicity and tenderness of
            muscles (shown in blue)                 and postural muscles (shown in red)
                                                                                          of the thigh, hamstrings, and medial  Shao Yao muscles manifest as pulling,
                                                                                          gastrocnemius. These muscles are  cramping, twisting, stiffness, and
                                                                                          mostly located in our body's anterior  muscle contracture such as contracture
                         Da Zao                               Shao Yao
                                                                                          and medial sides. Hypertonicity and  of the limbs in stroke patients and
                                                                                          tenderness of Shao Yao muscles  stooped posture in older people.
          Hypertonicity (stiffness) of white      Hypertonicity (stiffness) of red mus-
          tendons in external and postural        cles in flexor muscles
          muscles                                                                           Clinical Expressions
          Da Zao muscles: triceps, rhomboids,     Shao Yao muscles: biceps, rectus         * Muscle pains due to hypertonicity, mainly in the
          erector spinae, external oblique, in-   abdominis, psoas, muscles of the         muscles of the anterior and medial sides of the body.
          guinal ligament, Iliotibial band, Achil-  medial thigh, and such                 Muscle cramps, pulling, stiffness, twisting (dystonia),
          les tendon, plantar fascia, and such    Difficulties with flexion movements      contracture, and such.
          Difficulties with extension movements
                                                                                           * Neck stiffness is common. The upper back and
          Muscle signs: hypertonicity and ten-    Muscle signs: hypertonicity and          shoulders will feel sore, and a limited range of shoul-
          derness in white tendons of triceps     tenderness in red muscles of bi-         der movement will be seen.
          and rhomboids                           ceps and rectus abdominis                Lower back and legs will feel sore.* Lower back pain.
          ☞Positive Da Zao muscles signs may      ☞Positive Shao Yao muscles signs         Holding the same position for a long time, such as
          or may not lead to Da Zao formulas      usually lead to Shao Yao formulas         lying down, sitting or standing will aggravate the pain.
                                                                                           * When standing up from a squatting or sitting posi-
          Chest symptoms (shortness of            Chest symptoms (shortness of             tion, the back won’t stretch well, producing soreness
          breath) may occur                       breath) rarely occur                     and pain.
                                                                                           * Stooped back is commonly seen in older people.
        As seen in the picture above, Shao   when flexion movements of muscles  With Da Zao Pattern, we can observe   * Contracture of the limbs seen in stroke or hemiple-
        Yao muscles are mostly located in the   in the anterior and medial sides are  hypertonicity and tenderness in white   gia patients.
                                                                                           * Nocturnal leg pains due to growing pains
        anterior and medial sides of the body,  difficult and painful. When extension  tendons of triceps and rhomboids. But
                                                                                           * Frequent muscle cramps of the legs. A stretch or
        and Da Zao muscles are usually located   movements of muscles in the posterior  Da Zao muscle signs are not binding
        in the posterior and lateral sides. This is   and lateral sides are hindered, we can  signs, meaning positive Da Zao signs   overuse will easily lead to cramps. Sports players
        why we can consider using Shao Yao   consider using Da Zao.    may or may not lead to a selection of   who suffer from cramps after consecutive games.
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